
#1 priority, most important job

I quit my job today after being berated by the owner of the restraunt over wine glasses. Our dishwasher was broken for the last 3+weeks and the owner has been on everyones ass over 'polishing glasses' i.e. scraping orange pulp off of 'clean glasses' according to him it wasn't the dishwasher, just lazy servers. On Friday FINALLY our dishwasher was service and fixed (the maintenance man confirmed it hasn't been working appropriately. No shocker, the glasses are coming out sparkling, and they take about 2 seconds to polish. Saturday my coworker and I worked 12+hr shifts, with only a 15min break. Sunday morning we're back 12hours later to set up for another double. Shortly after opening the owner comes over demanding to know whose job it is to polish glasses. We both said 'everyones, whoever is putting them away” he kept repeating himself, and proceeds to pick up every glass…

I quit my job today after being berated by the owner of the restraunt over wine glasses. Our dishwasher was broken for the last 3+weeks and the owner has been on everyones ass over 'polishing glasses' i.e. scraping orange pulp off of 'clean glasses' according to him it wasn't the dishwasher, just lazy servers. On Friday FINALLY our dishwasher was service and fixed (the maintenance man confirmed it hasn't been working appropriately. No shocker, the glasses are coming out sparkling, and they take about 2 seconds to polish. Saturday my coworker and I worked 12+hr shifts, with only a 15min break. Sunday morning we're back 12hours later to set up for another double. Shortly after opening the owner comes over demanding to know whose job it is to polish glasses. We both said 'everyones, whoever is putting them away” he kept repeating himself, and proceeds to pick up every glass looking for any water spot, in front of customers saying '100% not polished' any of them. Then raising his voice 'polishing glasses is #1 priority, MOST important job'. I did over $10,000 in sales this weekend, but still lazy and useless in his eyes. Not worth all the tips in the world.

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