
10 yr professional tattooer

I've been tattooing for over 10 yrs now officially and while I love my work and what I do. The clients(not all but most) drain the ever loving life out of my soul. I have to make myself respond to clients emails because I just would rather not deal with them. Clients make you feel like a printer alot and expect you to reproduce a crummy Pintrest exactly how this other person has with no want for uniqueness or originality or they want to dictate the process and micromanage ot untill it has no life left. I am and consider myself a artist first. I've always painted, illustrated etc and I genuinely have the ability to do more intricate tattooing. And on the occasion I get a client that wants me to really do my job, as in creating full cohesive designs that flows and has an energy to it.…

I've been tattooing for over 10 yrs now officially and while I love my work and what I do. The clients(not all but most) drain the ever loving life out of my soul. I have to make myself respond to clients emails because I just would rather not deal with them. Clients make you feel like a printer alot and expect you to reproduce a crummy Pintrest exactly how this other person has with no want for uniqueness or originality or they want to dictate the process and micromanage ot untill it has no life left. I am and consider myself a artist first. I've always painted, illustrated etc and I genuinely have the ability to do more intricate tattooing. And on the occasion I get a client that wants me to really do my job, as in creating full cohesive designs that flows and has an energy to it. But most just want me to replicate something they saw on their phone by some shifty scratcher. I guess I crave more substance in clients but I'm not sure how to weed that out. Otherwise I'd rather just stay home or go out kayaking. I hate money and would genuinely do what I do for free is I didn't have to pay bills to live. I just don't like being a dancing monkey for someones entertainment

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