
2.50$ a year in bonus.

Ran into an Old Foreman who retired recently. He was griping about the Company. Which was unusual because he was very much a “Company Man”. So he worked 20 years for this place and for his retirement gift they gave him a 50$ gift card to the keg. What was even more funny was he told me he ran into a former manager at that same company that commented on his retirement. The manager was only there 2-3 years. And, that manager got a 1000$ gift card upon quitting. My Foreman said to me “That's 2.50$ a year of bonus for my hard work”. I didn't feel bad for him. I'm glad at least he realized what we all realized earlier on. Screw these companies that exploit us at every turn. Whatever they're paying just know they're paying you the minimum. And, you give them just that in return. Enough…

Ran into an Old Foreman who retired recently. He was griping about the Company. Which was unusual because he was very much a “Company Man”. So he worked 20 years for this place and for his retirement gift they gave him a 50$ gift card to the keg. What was even more funny was he told me he ran into a former manager at that same company that commented on his retirement. The manager was only there 2-3 years. And, that manager got a 1000$ gift card upon quitting. My Foreman said to me “That's 2.50$ a year of bonus for my hard work”.

I didn't feel bad for him. I'm glad at least he realized what we all realized earlier on. Screw these companies that exploit us at every turn. Whatever they're paying just know they're paying you the minimum. And, you give them just that in return.

Enough is enough. We need Unions and Contracts that let us walk out at anytime there is Bullshit.

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