
2 checks to avoid overtime pay. Legal?

In my previous hellscape job in a hot and dirty kitchen, I was often working 11 days. Everyone was miserable because the owner who was always in the back working on his other businesses, was extremely cheap and generally an asshole. Things were always breaking like the AC (this was in Arizona) causing 90-100 degrees in the kitchen and he would wait to have someone come in to fix it, trying to find the cheapest handyman. The plumbing would back up into the dining area and I would have to try and fix it or rush from cooking to cleaning the water every hour until it's fixed. This is always with a skeleton crew. He had a small “side” business within the restaurant, a shitty little smoothie stand that was registered as a different LLC. We would act as is it was one restaurant where I would have to jump…

In my previous hellscape job in a hot and dirty kitchen, I was often working 11 days. Everyone was miserable because the owner who was always in the back working on his other businesses, was extremely cheap and generally an asshole. Things were always breaking like the AC (this was in Arizona) causing 90-100 degrees in the kitchen and he would wait to have someone come in to fix it, trying to find the cheapest handyman. The plumbing would back up into the dining area and I would have to try and fix it or rush from cooking to cleaning the water every hour until it's fixed. This is always with a skeleton crew.

He had a small “side” business within the restaurant, a shitty little smoothie stand that was registered as a different LLC. We would act as is it was one restaurant where I would have to jump to that stand if someone wanted a smoothie (different cash register) but people rarely ordered from it.

When we would have overtime hours, all the overtime was just pushed to the smoothie LLC and then we would recieve two checks, no extra pay. The owner is wealthy, (nice cars, had just sold his multi million house) and I assumed he had lawyers look through this before going through with it so I never brought it up.

Is this legal? Any thoughts?

I have many other horror stories from that place lol

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