
2 days in a row, i went without baggers

I'm a cashier at a grocery store And now for the past two days, i haven't had not a single courtesy clerk help me. I had 3-5 dollars orders and not a single f*ck was given by the managers. So I had to bag, cashier, while running back and forth like a chicken with it's head cut off I had to do go backs also. Because who else would put the unwanted items or damaged items into the carts we have for go backs and such if there were no courtesy clerk. And to make it more painful during the last hour of my shift, i was the only cashier with his light turned on, making my job 10Xs harder I'm done, just done Done being the nice guy. If the managers don't care, why should i

I'm a cashier at a grocery store

And now for the past two days, i haven't had not a single courtesy clerk help me.

I had 3-5 dollars orders and not a single f*ck was given by the managers.

So I had to bag, cashier, while running back and forth like a chicken with it's head cut off

I had to do go backs also. Because who else would put the unwanted items or damaged items into the carts we have for go backs and such if there were no courtesy clerk.

And to make it more painful during the last hour of my shift, i was the only cashier with his light turned on, making my job 10Xs harder

I'm done, just done

Done being the nice guy. If the managers don't care, why should i

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