
2 months in, will I be forced to come to a “mutual” agreement that “this job isn’t for me”

Just started a new job in IT Staffing right out of college. The job is unrelated to my degree, but I took it because I was relieved to have a job lined up and have that security of what I would do after graduation. Only thing is, there is nothing secure about it. They promised a training program which turned out to actually be a weed out program, and 2 months in 11/63 of us have been fired. They even fired someone last week who did meet their very challenging metrics every week, but “didn’t show much improvement” and wasn’t going above and beyond. I constantly am struggling to meet their metrics, and try everything in my power to do my best, but I still can’t help but worry that I’m next to go. Now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place because I need to sign a…

Just started a new job in IT Staffing right out of college. The job is unrelated to my degree, but I took it because I was relieved to have a job lined up and have that security of what I would do after graduation.

Only thing is, there is nothing secure about it. They promised a training program which turned out to actually be a weed out program, and 2 months in 11/63 of us have been fired. They even fired someone last week who did meet their very challenging metrics every week, but “didn’t show much improvement” and wasn’t going above and beyond. I constantly am struggling to meet their metrics, and try everything in my power to do my best, but I still can’t help but worry that I’m next to go.

Now I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place because I need to sign a lease for an apartment, don’t know what I will do if I get fired since my degree is unrelated to this experience, and generally just have so much anxiety about this situation.


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