
2 Weeks Notice was customary for DECADES but is now considered not enough time

There is a reason that employers are now “asking” employees to give more notice – it is because we ALL do TOO MUCH! For DECADES it was fine to give a two week notice, customary and professional, but that is because people had reasonable amounts of work, reasonable job descriptions, and reasonable roles. For years employers have been condensing job descriptions so that one person does the work of three. For years we have been getting faster and faster at work and communications and being asked to do more and output more. For years we have increased our workload and output and now two weeks is not nearly enough to train people on ALL the things we are doing and employers KNOW it. I seriously wish I knew how it was in the 70's, 80's, even 90's without the internet, without email, without the constant ties to work communications and…

There is a reason that employers are now “asking” employees to give more notice – it is because we ALL do TOO MUCH! For DECADES it was fine to give a two week notice, customary and professional, but that is because people had reasonable amounts of work, reasonable job descriptions, and reasonable roles. For years employers have been condensing job descriptions so that one person does the work of three. For years we have been getting faster and faster at work and communications and being asked to do more and output more. For years we have increased our workload and output and now two weeks is not nearly enough to train people on ALL the things we are doing and employers KNOW it.
I seriously wish I knew how it was in the 70's, 80's, even 90's without the internet, without email, without the constant ties to work communications and clients in our pockets. I wish I could understand the difference that would have on a person's ability to relax and take a real vacation.
I also am not saying that they didn't work hard back then, I am just saying that it HAD to be different.

For years employers have stripped any reasons to stay with them: healthcare is no longer fully funded (if provided at all), pensions barely exist and retirement matching is minimal, expectations are higher with pay and benefits are lower – but we are being asked to not leave or give “PLENTY OF NOTICE” when we do leave – Oh, but they can fire us with no notice at all. It is all just so messed up.

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