
Ooooooooh, This is how we got here!


Kim kardashian on women working


Better be paying that non-stupid wage too


Brainwashed Boomer

It’s maddening! I’ve started a new job in inventory at a warehouse and it’s basically all boomers on the inventory team besides me. I’ve been here 3 weeks and so many of the boomers have been overworked with no problem with it. A couple times now when I’ve mentioned me taking one of our 2 assigned 10 min breaks a boomer has made the same joke: “What’s a break?” Literally a new hire on her third day here today asked what she’s supposed to be doing on her 10 min break(she’s a woman in her mid 50s). Like wtf sort of question is that????? How brainwashed do you have to be to not want breaks or even think you deserve them? She ended up coming back to work after sitting for 3 minutes…


Boss Literally Threw Money in Garbage

I saw my boss in a print shop downtown. She must not have seen me. I watched her print a few documents and after I guess not finding her credit cards, fished a five dollar bill out of her purse. The lady at the front desk gave her change in coins, which must have been at least $3.00 in quarters and dimes. My boss literally dropped it into a garbage can on her way out the door, as if the spare change was beneath her. Meanwhile my boss won't give me a $1.00 an hour raise, but three dollars to her is literally garbage. I'm so sick of our work culture and the disgusting inequality. IDK what my boss makes, but she's gotta make 5x what I do. Location: major city on east coast of US.


America is not a Rich Country

It is a poor country that has a lot of money. Truly rich countries are the ones that provide for their people. America cannot even provide the basic necessities, such as affordable healthcare and housing. Not to mention that the once great infrastructure is falling apart. There is also still massive systemic racism that only benefits American oligarchs. If Republicans and Democrats do not come together to solve these issues, we will continue falling behind truly rich countries, such as Germany, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, etc.


Spotted this lovely sign today


But at least you’re part of a family… one you never wanted.


i’m past the point of fucks given


Just got fired for discussing wages and opinions of the company with other employees. I caught their explanation on tape. What do I do now?

Hi everyone, I (used to) work at a local non-profit and was recently fired with them citing talking about wages with employees as part of the decision. I have the discussion recorded, and will transcribe it soon – but in the meantime what do I do? Who do I report this to? (Also can I get unemployment?) I live in Iowa btw. Thanks for any help in advance.