
Bored at work

Just quit my office job that was so unfulfilling and infuriating. Had to be there for eight hours but would go in and have all my work done within the first hour of being there. I asked to work from home or make it part time and that was not ok. At first the job was ok but after months of asking for more things and nothing I couldn’t stand being there anymore. Couldn’t be on phone or really do anything else. It was hell.

Antiwork employees learned of layoffs when severance checks appeared in payroll app – TechCrunch


Residents of Vermont’s largest hospital formed a union


How do you “just quit?”

I see a lot of comments in this sub where people say things like “I’d just quit with no notice,” and, while I respect the message of sticking it to your shitty boss, I don’t understand how so many people have enough of a safety net to do so. By far the most common advice I see people give here is to quit your job immediately. But the idea of doing so, to me, is a road to immediate homelessness. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a safety net I’m unaware of? Unemployment is a bad joke in terms of actually being able to survive off of it, and not everyone has people they can fall back on. How do you do it? What have you set up that allows you to so confidently picture quitting without notice or time to prepare?


Getting a weird vibe from a new job

I started a new job yesterday working for a company that fills company break rooms with snacks and drinks and whatnot. I’ve done merchandising work before with a soda company and I worked bigger stores like Walmart and the like, so I’m use to working and doing this kind of work. It is now Day 2 and I’ve gotten some weird red flags that make me want to not even finish out the week regardless of what the company tells me. Some of the red flags I’m seeing/feeling. Literally the first thing I was told by the lead driver is that they cycle through people pretty quick and not many people stay that long. Like… what I’m obviously still in training for another couple weeks but I haven’t done ANY HR paperwork. At all. Every single job I’ve ever had, I’ve had to do paperwork first before I do any…


All the wonders of being a landlord, with none of those pesky downsides!


How are we supposed to survive with inflation?

Inflation keeps rising but wages are remaining stagnant. I’m no longer making ends meet. My two checks a month isn’t enough to cover all my bills and rent, and if it wasn’t for the little bit of help my partner gets from food stamps and 70 a week from UI, we wouldn’t even be able to eat or put gas in the car for work. We have NO money for anything else needed like car registration renewals, car maintenance, toiletries, or even fucking cleaning supplies so idk what I’m going to due when student loans resume in May. I am not making a living I’m barely SURVIVING. Just one missed day, just one emergency and we are royally fucked up the ass. It’s so much harder to stay working with all my chronic illnesses that keep getting worse because I can’t sleep, I’m always extremely stressed and I can’t afford…


Does taking constructive criticism negatively due to not being fully justified impacts an employees future growth in the company? I seen cases like this.

I realized that if one tried to be positive about it and doesn’t say anything will have a higher chance in moving up, apparently it has been done.


Wanna move out from my parents but can`t work full-time. I`m embarrassed of myself

I`m not sure if I`m lazy or not motivated. How to stop being embarrassed for not working a full-time job when you`re 30 and want to move out? I worked as an office manager for about 3,5 years. It was the most boring period of my life. I hated every morning. I was thinking that I`m wasting my time there and I knew that one day I will quit. So I did it in 2017. Since then I decided that 9-5 is not for me. Now I work about 12 hours a week as an online teacher. I really enjoy working from home. But that`s my maximum. And living with a narcissistic father drains me a lot. I want to move out but I can`t. How can I make living? I am so ashamed of myself because I`m 30 yo and I can`t afford to live separately. Any words of…


TFW you wish you HAD covid so you could take a few weeks off

Shitty of me, but I’ve been sick for three weeks with cough, fever, nausea and fatigue. I’ve taken multiple covid tests, all negative. If I called off they would give it to me, but I’m ALWAYS sick and I have poor health, so I feel really guilty calling off. My work is important too- if I’m not there- it doesn’t get done, and children and their families suffer for it. I’m so frustrated and my temp is at 101.5 today but I’m still covid negative so I guess I can still work!!!