My coworker has been out for about four months due to neck surgery. They told her the whole time, take your time, your job is still waiting here for you. She is now ready to come back, but they just told her that she is being terminated, and will not give her a reason. She has worked here for 24 years. They did not hire anyone to fill her job this whole time, but about two weeks ago they moved a temp from another position into her role. Of course the temp has much lower pay and no benefits.
Month: April 2022
I was fired from my job after taking a sick day in November. I tried to claim unemployment but was denied. Finally got a letter in the mail from edd saying it was because I “willing quit” my job even though I was very clearly fired. Without any documentation, what are my options?
It drives me nuts. I've had a few jobs say this and they just end up treating you like shit. Now when I hear this at an interview, I just want to roll my eyes. Is this some sort of business slang to bullshit potential employees?
Like, fabulous, the Karen customer knows my name so she can single me out in a internet review where my current and potential employers can see. Love dealing with psycho customers like that even OUTSIDE of work where it effects my reputation. Even without that, in person wearing a name tag is very similar to putting a target on your chest. I don’t want to be addressed by rude ass people by my full legal name. I prefer lying about what my name is if they ask. It’s none of their business. If my manager/ect can’t remember names that’s their problem. And I will happily introduce myself and remind my coworkers my name if needed verbally in private. Otherwise what is even the point? I’m already wearing the uniform why does a useless tag have to be part of it? And how is it more “professional”? It’s a cheap pin.…
Made a post about not wanting to go work at a factory because the work conditions in the factories here are terrible, and the wages aren't enough for actually paying for living expenses either. Post got flooded with comments about how I should be “grateful” and how I am lazy blah blah Are people willing to degrade themselves completely just to make a few bucks? Or do they enjoy pushing others to shitty jobs they will likely suffer extremely in. A lot of people who I know that work in factories end up developing addictions. It's a messed up job and not something I could handle. And I'm not lazy for wanting a job that treats its workers with a modicum of decency.