
Conservative logic baffles me sometimes

Yesterday two of my coworkers were complaining about gas prices and how it’s all Biden’s fault, then like two minutes later they start complaining about how Biden is supposedly giving out a gas stimulus so people can buy gas, because if people get another stimulus more people are gonna stop working. It’s like… you’re mad at the government because gas prices are high, but you don’t want the government to give you money to buy the gas???


you don’t say…


I need to remember this myself


A Los Angeles guaranteed income program will give people $1,000 per month for 3 years. This is fantastic, because sometimes the solution is really that someone just needs more money.


I’m sick of people saying learn a trade.

Im tired of people saying shortages of trades” all over the internet? Unless your union, most tradesmen make an average income between 40-60k a year unless you have your own business. My father was an electrician and he had a hard time getting into the union WITH experience. They pick on favoritism. I’m not sure why so many Americans can’t understand that. If it was so easy to learn a trade no one would live in poverty. If anything my parents told me to go to college and not work in construction. Most people never worked outside a day in their life outside of cutting grass. Also most people complain about hot weather going outside for 5 minutes so can you imagine those same people working 8 hours a day in that? What about when people aren’t building houses? You guys(not you specifically) hear propaganda online and shove it down…


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Managers who went to business school are better at cutting pay than boosting sales, new study shows

Managers who went to business school are better at cutting pay than boosting sales, new study shows ( “Based on their findings, the researchers concluded that the typical ideologies of business school programs — which shifted in the 1970s — are responsible for the way that degreed business managers approach their work: namely, that they emphasize shareholder values, rather than worker ones. That's reflected by non-degreed managers tending to share greater sales and profits with their workers.” Sounds accurate.


originally from r/lostgeneration


Capitalism is just the lipstick on the pig, we don’t have capitalism.

I see so many on here blaming capitalism for the problems we have today. The problem with this is that we don't have capitalism in the first place, we have corporate welfare. Definition of capitalism from Miriam Webster An economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. That is not what we have, at least not in the US. When companies are bailed out by our tax dollars and deemed “too big to fail” that's not capitalism. When companies lobby to get laws changed in their favor, that's not capitalism. Especially when those changes don't apply to the broader market, and only benefit a select few within the market. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. That's all…


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