
I took 8 hours of sick leave last year

I call in sick about once every 2 weeks (mental health, right?), but I only took 8 hours of sick leave (PTO) last year. You know why? Because I work from home on my sick days. My boss won't even approve PTO for me because I get so many emails, IMs, and phone calls. I feel guilty not working because my employer has created a culture of “we are understaffed”. I take so many sick days because I don't legitimately get one. I have almost 50 hours of PTO (Let's not get into my unused vacation). I had covid last May, really bad, and my boss called me so many times. I didn't answer, but I did attend all the meetings and actually work through the entire time I was sick. He told me that if I just drank enough coffee I'd be fine. That wasn't the only time he…


Waking up in the morning should be a joy and the fact that I dread every single morning is not a good thing.

As a human I should be happy to wake up and start my day. Sucks man. Instead of taking my time to naturally wake up I have to rush around to get ready for work before the sun is even up and ive eaten breakfast. Sometimes I wish clocks werent invented.


Pro-Union Vote Leads in New York as Amazon Workers Look to Make History


Got canned during wartime

Little background: I'm a Ukrainian dude, working as a freelance web designer on Upwork. My wife is Russian, we used to live in Kiev, but 1 year ago we moved to Russia cause of personal reasons. So here I was working with a nice Indian guy from US, building their website of a cool tech they have. Then the bombs on Ukraine dropped and everyone started saction Russia. I have family in Ukraine, which I'm supporting all this time after I moved to Russia, and since everything was sanctioned to oblivion, Upwork was the only source for me to keep supporting my family in Kiev. Then Upwork imposed sacntions of their own kind: they just blocked all accounts associated with Russia or Belarus. And it's kinda hard for new freelancers to build their account from the start to make decent money. The CEO wrote a very heartwarming letter about this:…


I hate my job, despise management and my FMLA ends today.

My work doesn't offer paid maternity leave but I opted to take an unpaid leave for 12 weeks under FMLA to care for and bond with my newborn. The past 3 months have been the best of my life. Once my leave started, I quickly realized that work is the ONLY thing I talk about in therapy, and suddenly had nothing to discuss. I was living my best life and enjoying motherhood. Now that im set to return to work Monday, every fiber of my being is screaming no. I've been on edge this entire week, dreading the verbal abuse and manipulation tactics. I do plan to look for a new job, but for the time being the bills are really piling up and I don't have much choice. Not really looking for advice, just figured u all would understand!


idk what to think

The past couple months have been rough trying to find a job. After being frustrated by countless rejections, I decided to update my resume with fake experience from a company that no longer exists. Not even an hour, now I have offers for jobs. I'm not proud of lying. I do have the skills to do the jobs I'm applying to, so thats not an issue. It just feels fucked up that the second I do that everything changes, I didnt even put that great of experience tbh. I'm not sure if I'll continue.


April 1: I’m not just a body filling a space at a protest…I militate for my position and build organizational relationships.


hustle culture at its finest.


praising ‘Resiliency’


‘just get a better job’