
Job application rejected 22 minutes after applying…


I think I just realised why working in customer service/tech support sucks so badly, and it’s not what you think.

Every word I say over the damn phone gets rated 1-5 stars, and these customers have the power to escalate their problems to my managers. I get told off whenever they're not happy (even if it's due to something that the customers have done wrong, and completely outside of my control). I am there to cater to every whim of the customer. If they're a big giant enterprise business, they have the power to get me fired. But when I need customer service myself… have you ever tried to talk to your internet service provider? Mobile phone provider? Furniture delivery company? Ever had to beg for a refund for something you ordered and never came? Yes? Good. So you know that as a private citizen and customer, we just don't matter. I don't get the kind of the customer service I'm expected to give. I'm treated as rubble both as…


My Mom Is Realizing How Bad Things Are

My mom works and has worked her ass off for almost 40 years in a physically intense blue collar job. She always told me the whole “work hard and it'll be rewarded” lie. She truly believed it. But the last 3 years or so, she's realizing it's all bullshit. Last year she got a nickel an hour “raise.” That's a slap in the face. I've been telling mom for years to work her wage and not a cent more. For the first time I'm seeing my mama not give her absolute all because fuck them. I'm glad she's saving energy but damn! You know it's bad when… I have a job that is actually great. Like what I do, my manager is amazing, it's completely remote. But do you know what I got for my “merit raise”? 6%. That's 50% lower than what last year's inflation was. I technically notice…


I waited over 4 months for this email…

I applied to a very good private music school in January of this year. Yesterday I received an email informing me that I was not selected because I don’t play piano or trumpet. …Which is good to know. The piano students I’ve been teaching for the last 8 years should be entitled to know that their teacher (who has been teaching for 16 years total) doesn’t actually have a minor in piano performance and can’t play brass. Which is also good to know since the USMC will need to find a bugler who can actually play trumpet for a funeral at the end of May. (My degree was in composition/theory, minor in piano performance with a focus in brass and several independent study certificates in conducting. I was full scholarship at BOTH schools which was outlined in both resumes.) I’m bitter, I know. But not only did my cover letter…


Company kicks me out over sudden disability

So…. long story short, I was diagnosed with an incurable sudden onset chronic illness on march 21st. Due to the nature of the illness, I can't really leave my house for more than 5min unsupervised, since I rely on external help in order to keep me safe. Naturally, I immediately told my boss all about the diagnosis and my personal prognosis (which is very unclear when it comes to whether I will be able to work again). I explained to her IN DETAIL the ways this sudden illness is affecting my daily life. I specifically explained to her my problem about leaving the house on my own. A few days later she texts me, telling me I need to bring my home office equipment to our workplace. I explain again, how I cannot do that BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY I STILL CAN'T LEAVE THE HOUSE. She tells me to send it via…


This MP is making some assertions about the housing affordability.


Thinking About Work Honestly Makes Me So Depressed

Like thinking that I have to waste 9+ hours of my life every day to work makes so depressed. Like it’s not the life I want to live. Every night I go to sleep dreaming that I don’t have to wake up in the morning to do something I don’t want to do then realize that this is my life for the next 40-50 years and honestly it’s bad for anyone’s mental health to be thinking about this.


A catechism from Antebellum-era America which teaches slaves to work hard for their masters.


Consumer Unions

I was talking to someone earlier about unions in general and they talked about consumers coming together and forming unions as customers. I didnt know what to say beside that I have never heard of that in any sort of fashion. Has anyone else heard about this, Is it a real thing or is that just a capitalist mindset at work?


Got an interview next week, was actually excited i got asked for a machining test

First time ive been asked for a test of aptitude in interview, excited as fck for it, i like showing what i can do, even more when most companies struggled with low experience candidates. Been in this field for 12 years and an interview of talking and walking the shop for 1h is the same to me as talking for 30min and machining for 30. Highest leap in salary too, am at 30 i lied and said 33.5 and im asking 35, in an area of 20-25 median salary for machinist