Month: June 2022
The dumbest argument for returning to the office I've ever seen is “humans are social creatures, we are stimulated by social interaction.” Even if it is 100% true. Here's why: The wrong type of social interaction will turn you off from more healthy social interaction. If I've just spent all day “socializing” with a bunch of shitty co-workers all day, not getting to have the conversations I would CHOOSE to have, by the time I'm off work, I'm exhausted from being around people, I wasn't mentally stimulated from any of the talks about fucking RFQs or RFPs or any other work related bullshit. Now I don't WANT to be around people because I need to recharge. I have never had work conversations so good that I wouldn't trade them in a heartbeat for a mediocre conversation with friends. WFH means that when I choose to socialize, I'm picking the people…
Back to job searching once again…
I find myself having handed in my notice from a toxic work environment to now staring down the barrel of unemployment. Searching for part time jobs in the uk. Since when did part time hours mean 37.5 hours?! And no, I don’t want to stretch out 20/25 hours a week, as 4 or 5 hours a day, over mon-fri because that makes a part time job totally financially unviable, as I’ll be paying more than I earn into childcare and likely diesel in commuting.
I found this on ZDNet, and a lot of us have been talking about the risk of quitting when one can’t be sure of the new job. Thought it might be of interest. Home Education Professional Development Boomerang employees could be your best bet for fighting the talent shortage Rehiring an employee who has previously quit brings a lot of benefits, particularly at a time when talent is scarce. Written by Owen Hughes, Senior Editor on June 30, 2022 Leaving a job is a big decision, and usually comes as a result of an employee feeling that their employer can no longer meet their personal or professional needs. But not all goodbyes are forever, and employers are increasingly discovering the value in re-hiring employees who have previously quit their jobs before deciding to return. According to data from LinkedIn, boomerang employees accounted for 4.5% of company hires in 2021, up…
I know the economy isn't great right now but… that many hats for that? Seriously? Oh, sorry, I forgot the 10% commission.
Lying on your resume works
Basically, I am a 26 year old construction worker but I was sick of backbreaking work for the past 8 years of my life. The money was good but I wanted something where I could just sit in an office and work an easy 9-5 job for good pay. However, the jobs I wanted required a boat-load of qualifications I did not have (College, Experience, yadda yadda). Therefore, I completely falsified a resume and put that I went to a prestigious university and worked at a couple Fortune 500 companies following graduation. As of today, I just landed a six figure contract working at an ACTUAL Fortune 500 company as an account manager. I have no idea what I am going to do when I actually have to do what the job entails, but I think I can figure it out. Godspeed.
My Boss Is A Whiny Baby
Makes a big deal about one infected tooth like it's the end of the world. I have a broken arm, ruptured eardrum, infection and torn meniscus but I don't say shit. And he basically has unlimited time off, FUCK THIS SHIT.
I recently started working at a school and despite the low pay, I've been trying my best to gather experience. I've been told by my superiors and parents that my work there is appreciated but today one of my colleagues asked me about the company dinner tomorrow at the most expensive and luxurious restaurant in the city. I didn't know about it and they said that they thought my boss had invited me. I'm like “what??? I don't know about it.” And they said that my boss probably would say something about it later today. Well, they called me to their office and pretty much told me I'd have to come up with new and modern lesson plans and since I'm pretty new, I'd have to do work on my vacation (but there won't be any students in the school??) and do something to benefit the image of the school.…
Question about wage theft?
Hi, I work for the federal government and recently noticed my paycheck was missing 30 minutes of OT. I worked through my lunch as I had no choice. When I asked the supervisor, I was told I was not approved to work through my lunch so I wouldn’t be getting paid. Can I contact someone regarding this? I know 30 minutes may seem petty but my work environment is super toxic and my supervisor sucks so I don’t feel bad, haha.