Today, I came back home and noticed I suddenly lost admin access and privileges while checking some work emails, thought it was some internet or connectivity issue — called company IT and was ignored. Then, I check my personal email and notice an email. I open it and apparently I've been terminated from my position. By email. Effective immediately the moment I punched my last clock out from the office. As far as I know, I have no negative performance reviews, there was literally no warning, no red flags, no PIP, no two week notice, nothing. Just like that I'm out. Maybe it's karma for my past sins as a good little Eichmann for HR, maybe it's some grudge I wasn't aware of that I was naively blind of, who knows, or maybe it's just another day in corporate America.
Month: September 2022
Note: not me. Went to McDs drive thru for dinner tonight(poor life choice, I know) and the person at the window said they hadn’t had a day off since this previous Sunday and probably wouldn’t get another day off until Thursday of next week, assuming manager shows up? I’m not quite sure of the full context but you could tell this person was just done with peoples shit and was very tired. Is that legal for fast food workers to work that much? Note I’m assuming they’re getting OT or getting shit hours shifts. State: KY
‘Interesting’ Interview tactics
anybody else sub to surviving tomorrow?
So, the company I've been working for is pretty ass. Toxic environment, hard labour, low pay, some sketchy situations, etc. I let my supervisor know (who really gets pissed off with upper management) that I'm looking for a job. Kind of as an apology, because the staff he had went from about 7 people to 3. So I felt bad. Manager overheard apparently and said nothing to me. Later that day we had a meeting already planned, where they basically told all of us we suck ass. In the beginning of the meeting he announced my notice I never actually put in with him. He said he overheard comments made by me and wished me luck on my new job. Is this normal? They also will announce all of our efficiency ratings (they gauge it by how much work we turn in) They also straight up told some people “You're…
Got Turned Down for Lacking Experience
I recently interviewed for a position in an insurance company. The interview actually went well and got some great feedbacks, but I got turned down anyway because the company wanted someone with more experience. Now, I acknowledge that I already have a job, just trying to move up, so I’m in much better shape than many other people. Nonetheless, I’m annoyed by the “experience” rationale. If every company is looking for experience, how does anyone get started in the first place?
We need to acknowledge that we are indeed poor. We need to meticulously examine the rules of a system that is not only rigged, but specifically designed to keep us in poverty. Once we have understood that our poverty and debts have been forced on us despite our long shifts, once we have acknowledged that our poverty is the very foundation of the obscenest wealth in the 1% of the population, once we have realised that we have been abused, deceived and aliened, then we can talk about levelling up and redistribution of wealth.