
My boss called me bitchy (3 times) as a “joke” in front of other colleagues

After he left, someone else said “you’re not even that bad today!” And, he also told another employee she had no personality at all and doesn’t even know when she’s there because she isn’t bitchy. This is all wrong, right?


I talked to my boss’s boss about her attitude when she didn’t decide to improve hers.

My new boss has been a nightmare, she's been in the company 3 months and it has been an absolute nightmare and last Thursday I talked to her direct report who is also my boss but not directly above me. But I'm losing my mind because I don't know if I did the right thing by talking to her boss, I tried to talk to her first about the things below like adults and even went to HR for some advice but things did not get better. Some of the things that she has done to me personally are: She always tries to nag me whenever things don't go her way to the point that if she sees me talking to anyone above her she just gets paranoid and starts to nag me for this, she always says that “she is the leader, and leaders can only do that” She…


They don’t want you to have 2 remote jobs but you’re also supposed to have side hustles

I really don’t understand this. I’ve been seeing a lot of hate for people who work 2 remote jobs. It’s “stealing” or “ethically” wrong. But the same people will be investors in other companies, or say that people should pull themselves up by the bootstraps, or have multiple side hustles, or work past their working hours. If you’re telling people to do this, why are you mad when they work 2 jobs? Because they’re not working extra for THEM, or not starting a side hustle that’ll probably go nowhere. Isn’t it kinda funny that when people actually try to pull themselves up by working 2 remote jobs it’s wrong? Doesn’t it show that most of these corporate jobs are completely bullshit and don’t require 40 hours of work a week? They want you to fall for the SCAM! They don’t want you doubling your salary by working double!


terrified I might lose my job..

Sorry in advance if this sounds like rambling, my thoughts are all over the place and I'm posting out of fear for any support, advice or anything… I've been working at company X for a few years now, began as an entry level position, job started off normally, got shown the ropes by senior people but everyone knew there was a lot of BS involved in the position. This includes fighting our own tools that often break and cause a lot more workload than necessary, but eventually I got into a groove and did well. Fast forward the first bit of BS I encountered, my promotion from entry level to the next tier up is SUPPOSED to be automatic, but according to them after all was said and done, it was delayed a full year because my hiring date was about a week past the end of the promotional period.…


hype me up for Monday when I ask my boss for a $10k raise

Gonna ask my boss to bumping me from $54.5k to $65k. The weekend is giving me so much anxiety and cold feet from having the courage to do it. Tell me your success story of the time you bravely asked for a raise


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime; that’s why I jack on company time.


How noble

The other billionaires aren’t helping why do I have toooooowuh?!


Too tired to be productively angry

I’m often furious deep down inside about the injustices and unfairness and cruelty that is regularized in our workplace culture. But at the same time, I often have to work myself into the fucking ground just to be able to eat some cheap, unhealthy food (which contributes to me feeing tired and shitty) that I can actually afford and pay rent. By the end of the day, I’m beat. Too beat to really express the full extent of my rage about how fucked up things are and how different they need to be. And DAMN well too tired to actually do anything active about it to try to contribute to some kind of a social change. It’s like I get home with all this anger and upset but I’m too tired to express it in any way but casual, escapist self-destruction in order to tame my mind from going off…


Mentally exhausted working at country clubs and galas.

Ugh. I work through temp agencies/apps events that need staffing such as country clubs, hotels, venues, etc. I feel they have the worst kind of people. And not just the members/guests. Whoever is a captain, manager, lead, they act so demanding. Been doing this for about 3 years, it can be decent money but having management yelling at everyone or making things more complicated… Was yelled today for bussing 2 plates earlier. They made it such a BIG deal. There were like 4 bosses and they were telling me a different thing each and then the one said I lack communication, lol. A few weeks ago I was kicked out from a country club for getting some tea a few hours before the event starts. Like we had finished set up, I went next to the restaurant because we had no tea at our station and even though I had…


Passive aggressive work signage continues