
What should my answer be?


no hate to op of the tiktok, but makes me sad how we start as happy young kids and end up burnt out working adults


America needs another Occupy Wall Street 99% versus 1 percent movement for any real change to occur.

Voting will not change anything. We need leaders of a movement. How can a single individual go about doing this?


I quit and HR forgot to pass it along to everyone else.

I resigned on Tuesday Oct 11 and got called everyday for work until the 15th. I emailed our office lady and she said she forgot to forward my resignation paper to everyone 🤦‍️


Quiet Quit Question! (Serious)

For me, I focus on my art and I see my worklife as a small aspect of my overall life. I'm In a wage slave job but I have decent time off and small workload so I don't mind. But coming in on my day off would totally kill the vibe. So what's a good way to keep NOT taking any extra days, cos I don't really wanna do anything other than the bare minimum. Even if some coworkers are a little unhappy, I don't plan to come in except for the days in my schedule. Thoughts? Concerns? Thanks!


Just want to make sure my info is correct before I cause a fuss…

So long story short I got covid. Wasn’t super bad, although I had to take the mandatory five days off of work for isolation. I don’t have much sick time accrued currently, so I only put in sick time for 3 of the 5 days. My regional manager (who is in charge of all sick time/pto approval) informed me that he won’t approve my sick time request unless I show him evidence of the positive covid result. Only problem is, I don’t have “evidence” so to speak, as I got the test at an urgent care and a day later they called me and told me it was positive, so I only knew through a phone call, no physical documentation. And even if I did have documentation, I feel like I shouldn’t have to prove anything to him. I mean I’ve been out of work for like a stomach virus…


My workplace will not honor our agreement about scheduling

Ya know, honesty can go a long way with me. Back when I took this job a couple years ago or so, I told them “I need to very other weekend off” at the interview when asked about my availability. They said sure, fine, no problem. Then, IMMEDIATELY, they completely ignored that 100%, and proceeded to schedule me every Saturday and Sunday all day long, forever. And ya know what? I took it. For minimum wage, and no benefits, I basically never saw my friends and family again lol (who all obviously tend to work Monday – Friday and only have weekends to hang). I grew isolated and apart from everyone. I haven’t met anyone and really sustained a dating relationship outside of the workplace in a while. And so now, I’m at this terrible, terrible low in my life for thousands of reasons, and I’m desperately trying to claw…


Bosses should allow workers to use their personal devices during downtime at work.

I work as a security guard and my company has a no cell phone policy at work. It is quite dreadful since I work at a post where nothing is going on and I just do a patrol every 2 hours and let people in through the gate. Like I understand that some places demand your full attention for 8 hours and you should be busy and I get that. But for places where not much is going on that sucks. I personally ignore the no cell phone rule and use my devices anyway since I rarely see my supervisor maybe once every two weeks or once a week. But I would rather see my guard doing something and being occupied than falling asleep.


I quit my job after two days because I wasn’t allowed to have water in my workspace.

On top of that the cooperation was so overloaded that there were 2 people doing the work of 5 people, so I only got half a day of job shadow training. Mind you, I want working in a pharmacy. With drugs. And they had a person who had been there less than a month teaching me at times. Everything was overflowing, overloaded and chaotic. I was thrown to the wolves because my coworkers had no time to help me learn. later in the second day, the store manager came in to scold us all over minor things, grabbed and moved my phone when I wasn’t looking, and told us all to put our water in the office and moved our water bottles. (Not a store or cooperate policy) We didn’t have time to run to the office to drink water…. So I chugged some on my lunch break and contemplated…


Really excited about my new job at Dominoes!

First 3 days went great!! Made lots of money, everything went smooth. Then the 4th day they fucked up every order, mixed up all my runs, dispatched me on the wrong ones, and LITERALLY gave up trying to figure out what runs I took then GUESSED at how much they owned me. I promtly quit. Fucking ridiculous. What a dump.