
You have to apply to get your $10k student debt relief

It only takes 5 minutes. Here is the website. Please apply for student debt relief if you have student loans.


But What If They Can’t Afford a Minimum Wage?

I hear this objection to raising the minimum wage to a living wage all the time. “But what if they can't afford a living wage and go bankrupt?” Then they SHOULD go bankrupt. This is like someone starting a truck company with a specific business model and asking “What if they can't afford trucks?” Or having a business with a business model where you sell books for less money than you bought them for and demand to be allowed to just steal books instead because “How could I make money otherwise?” Or having a plantation and saying “This can't be profitable without slaves! We need to bring slavery back!” If your business requires the exploitation of others then maybe it's better if it didn't exist. Maybe your business model just simply isn't viable. These people seem to assume that we have to start with the idea of a business' well-being…


Taco Bell and Arby’s were closed by 9pm on a Saturday due to lack of staff. Meanwhile at Burger King, they’re advertising higher wages like it’s a new menu item.


Leftist Music

I've been listening to socialist songs recently, like ones that are encouraging strikes. I find them motivating, but I was curious, for anyone else who does this, what are some of your favorites?


I feel guilty about ghosting my previous job. I used to work at a Domino’s and now I work at an Amazon fulfillment center. I’ve worked at Amazon for a couple of weeks now and I can’t stop thinking about my old job, I’m not sure if I feel guilt or if I’m actually disappointed in myself.


“I guess you don’t like money”

I'm sure others have heard this or something similar before. You work your 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Yes, of course it's not nearly enough money as you want to get. But the part that bugs me is if you're asked to stay late, or asked to work a 6th day, or a double shift, you are hesitant or just say no, and the response from managers, coworkers and/or just others is “I guess you don't like money.” I'm like “No, I do like money, I just don't like overworking myself and driving myself crazy not even having down time.” Sad part, despite a (verbal) agreement between me and my manager about my schedule going forward where I'm working specific hours, sounds like they'll want me working late shifts (ending around 11pm, where my commute has me not getting home until close to midnight). I'm completely against…


The company i work for was bought by a corporation that treats employees like garbage. Should I stay or go?

The new company owner won't increase pay, stole our paid sick time in the buy out, charge us double for benefits, and are openly hiring new people at higher wages than employees that have been with the company for 5+ years. They also decided that working from home was no longer allowed, and recently decided to reduce the size of the department. I'm not in the group being let go; I have a more senior position and manage a lot of projects alone. I got a new job that pays more and is fully remote, and I considered quitting my current job, but I think I could continue to do the bare minimum there and not be fired. Should I risk being caught working 2 jobs and potentially lose both or just quit the old one for the new?


We Need a Library Economy – how much easier would it be to exist working less if instead of paying for necessary items or tools, you could simply check them out at the library?


“What motivates you to work hard?” has to be the most useless question in interviews, because it’s inherently meant to be answered with corporate bs, where we pretend money isn’t the only reason we take these crappy jobs. Because if you answer honestly, you’re not getting the job.


Need a California Employment Lawyer asap

My best friend just got let go from a very very hostile work environment and is looking for an aggressive California employment attorney. He doesn’t have a Reddit account but his stories are fucking amazing: manager tazing people, other threats of physical violence, plus showing and discussing porn in the office are the biggest complaints. They have withheld his final pay since the termination and are trying to play games. He promises to make a Reddit account and post some of the stories once the legal issues are settled