
Great message to send employees who already make below a living wage


My job made me come into work on “light duty” and told me to make any appointments around the work schedule even after I told them I was in excruciating pain and it was increasing when walking at work. I now have permanent damage.

I finally got the surgery I need for my inguinal hernia that has been causing me extreme pain for a couple months now. I explained to my HR and my supervisor that the pain has been increasing especially with walking and I was given “light duty” after I saw a doctor. Except literally the very next day I came in after seeing the doctor and explaining to my work about the situation and my need for surgery, my supervisor immediately told me “well I don't want you sitting around all night so start sweeping out the freezers” and these are industrial freezers to store resin in and they are bigger than a house and we have many of them. I had to stop because the pain got so bad that I couldn't walk. Instead of helping me out and giving me time off to get appointments done and a surgery…


They want us to be “minions”

My bosses (husband and wife) are extremely fucking annoying. I work in the mental health field & they are typical EXTREMELY high earners.. everything for them is money, money, money. Patient care is second to how many patients we can see in a day. One of my biggest pet peeves is that they refer to us office staff and techs as “minions.” I’ve personally heard them refer to the clinicians as “fucking idiot.” This morning, we had no patients in the office and me and a coworker were discussing a work event, & a few patients we share.. she was livid that we were talking in the lobby… mind you, there were no patients in the office. We can’t talk amongst each other, even if we completed all of our tasks & there’s no patients. We should just pretend to be busy or something with no human interactions. I don’t…


Alex Jones Waking Life (2001)


Glassdoor review manipulation after layoffs destroy company score


Never forget how all of the major telecom networks like Verizon and Comcast have stolen billions of dollars from hard working Americans and gotten away with it


The Robotic Arm – this hit so hard.

“No piece of art has ever emotionally affected me the way this robot arm piece has. It's programmed to try to contain the hydraulic fluid that’s constantly leaking out and required to keep itself running…if too much escapes, it will die so it's desperately trying to pull it back to continue to fight for another day. Saddest part is they gave the robot the ability to do these 'happy dances' to spectators. When the project was first launched it danced around spending most of its time interacting with the crowd since it could quickly pull back the small spillage. Many years later… (as you see it now in the video) it looks tired and hopeless as there isn't enough time to dance anymore.. It now only has enough time to try to keep itself alive as the amount of leaked hydraulic fluid became unmanageable as the spill grew over time.…


Verizon announces layoffs for all front line Customer Service Representatives

With no prior announcement, Verizon pulls all customer services reps. from the phones to attend a meeting. This meeting was to let them know of “redefined customer service experience”, essentially a massive layoff. Tier 1 and tier 2 customer services reps. we’re given the option to reapply for their position or take a severance package. Most supervisors and senior managers are being laid off with no option to re-enter the customer service department. Many speculate that this is Verizon’s move to cutting cost and outsourcing customer service overseas. I am a tier 1 rep. who will now be leaving the company, effective August 26.


WHY IS INSULIN SO EXPENSIVE? Only three manufacturers — Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi — produce insulin, allowing those companies to control much of the market. They’ve been historically raising their list prices for their respective products in lockstep with one another.


UK Inflation – It’s hit hard