
I hate bait and switches

I applied to a part time job to make some extra money on top of my full time job. It was the perfect location and schedule for my current jobs location and schedule. I do the interview and get the job. Only to be told then that training was to take place at another location for three weeks before I started at the store I was hired at. I ghosted the recruiter because if you can’t communicate and be honest with me. Neither should I.


Fired after a paycut and car accident in family


I have a doctor’s appointment on my performance review zoom call day for my PIP status. Should I let them know the day before or what?

So this Tuesday I have a time conflict. A PIP performance review after a month of doing my best to keep my job and “prove” my worth, but also two doctor's appointment, one for my sinuses affecting my sleep quality and the other for my kidneys, since I've noticed weird symptoms such as back pain and frequency. Should I let my superior know that I won't be in the office during the meeting, and will be either at the doctor's or home all day the day before?


I only get my PTO in 10hr increments, WTF

I started a new job a few months ago. The work schedule is four 10’s and we only get PTO for 10hrs at a time and I can’t use any less. I read the employee handbook before starting this job and NONE of this was covered, I’m so pissed. Rant over…


You Know You Can Just Tell Me I Didnt Get the Damn Job. An Auto Reply Email Bullshitting you Now. For my Gaybros it felt like Grindr “OMG. Exactly my type. Bet u get all the guys. Yeah Im Good tho. Maybe another time.”


Why do some jobs require that you can lift 50lbs when it’s not a part of the job.

Ever see a job posting that says must be able to lift and carry 50/ 75/100lbs even though it's not really something that you would be doing every day at the job? Well, it's a loophole to not hire people with disabilities. I just learned about this while at a conference I went to for people with disabilities trying to find jobs. It's also why so many require you to have a driver's license even if it's not a job that requires driving. Now as a disabled person, I always did have a feeling that employees were looking for a way to fuck people like me over but have a cover for it after all almost every job I've had gets really pissy when I pull out the state paperwork that I have proving my disability and rights to reasonable accommodations. ​


Worst experience when working in retail?

Feel free to leave your terrible experiences when working in retail with either your boss or customer related or other below!!


Can my boss terminate me for billing my hours longer than he deems acceptable?

I'm an environmental consultiant that has to bill all hours. Basically, I was told I had 18-20 hrs to do a project. Now that I've been here for a few months I was brought down to 16-20 hrs without any warning or notice. My job is hybrid with most of my time WFH and some time doing field work. I've been able to get all of my projects done early and rarely work over 8 hrs. But I still bill for the full hours that are anticipated for the project for the sake of work life balance. I billed “too many hours” as mention by my boss for a project that includes two different reports. I billed 6 hours, plus a meeting included in that so really 5 hours for both reports, which trickles down to 2.5 hrs per report which I feel is acceptable time. Is he catching on…


Boss had a work performance conversation with me

I’ll be honest, since the mass layoffs my team endured in February, I haven’t been as motivated to perform to my full potential. The layoffs caused a majorrrrr culture shift, including my THIRD manager in less than a year. We have very diff personality types (she’s more passive, I’m more direct). She’s also more technical and lowky robotic. We haven’t really geled too well but it’s also not the worst relationship ever. It’s just awkward to say the least. Anyway, we had a convo about my performance last week and she had very valuable feedback on things I can improve. She also opened the floor for me to explain my side of things, which I did. One of the issues I have is things aren’t always clear, leading me to not be sure where I have autonomy (I brought this up too) and as a result, I feel like I’m…


Is it wrong of me only wanting a simple job and life?

Sorry if this isnt the right sub for this. But my whole life it was never a priority of mine to “climb the ladder of success” . As soon as someone graduates high school they immediately get into the college mindset, Take on loads of debt. Unless they have a rich family then it doesnt matter, but you get what im saying, And begin their race to success. As if that is everyones main purpose in life and their whole identity. Like its what were “suppose to do”. But I never wanted to do any of that. And take no part in this society. In fact my idea of life is just live minimally and actually…since i have to anyways.. Just work at a local grocery store or restaurant and just kinda float through life on a basic job. That seems realistic right? The generations before us can work at…