
This 90-year-old woman had the same job for 74 years—her best advice for being happier at work


How is finding a job in a third world country so much easier and faster in the US ?

This is my first time posting on this subreddit so pardon any mistakes or wrong information that i might have of the American work environment, and sorry if this post is a bit too long. With that out of the way, and just for a little bit of context, i'm a Moroccan Student who just graduated and got a degree in English linguistic from a somewhat prestigious but public (free) university here in Morocco. I did not by any mean graduate the top of my class but i got a passable grade. Throughout my three years here in uni i discovered this subreddit and though it might be useful to get an idea about the job market and tricks and tips to know that might help me when i'm looking for a job, even though Morocco and the US are very different countries some strategies my still help me here.…


How to decompress/compartmentalize after a day of working a job I hate?

I had an issue with my direct supervisor and the owner of the company a few weeks ago that totally rubbed me the wrong way. Nothing crazy enough to make me quit on the spot, but I’ve lost respect for both of them and am currently looking for another job. I find myself stewing on work stuff long after work hours are over, which I realize is not healthy. My husband grows frustrated hearing me vent, too. What do you all do to decompress or take your mind off of things after work? I’m not able to work out or go on a walk every day. We have a 7 month old and my husband and I have to take turns caring for him, otherwise I’d be doing these things immediately every day.


Coworker lied about having autistic child.

Title. She used this lie often and often so she could arrived 1-2 hour late to work almost every day for 6 months. She would present to HR false documentation about it too, treatments, therapy and other stuff so she could keep the lie. When HR ACTUALLY took a look at the documents, they found them strange and inconsistant, so they proceeded to confront her. When she found out this was about to happen, she took her lunch brake and never came back. No legal action where taken. I understand that this job is shit and payment is even shittier but, why risk having a legal problem so you could arrive a couple hours latter? I don´t really see the benefit.


Photography Corporation Relies on Area Monopolies to Exploit Workers

Context: Lifetouch is a nationwide school photography company that goes around doing school year book photos. From my boss and co-workers this is what I learned about the company. They move into an area buying up all the local photography studios. They then hire those studios' photographers…. For half pay. Take the pay cut or get another job. This makes them a LOT of money but puts them into a precarious situation. Because! They had competition moving into the area. New photo studios were popping up and, if Lifetouch couldn't keep up with all their contracts, schools would move to the competition. And if schools moved to the competition Lifetouch's photographers would jump ship to double their pay. Their entire business model is dependent on having area monopolies and the second they lose that it starts a cascading effect where they lose more and more contracts and more and more…


My Experience with Lifetouch Photography

Context: Lifetouch is a nationwide school photography company that goes around doing school year book photos. From my boss and co-workers this is what I learned about the company. They move into an area buying up all the local photography studios. They then hire those studios' photographers…. For half pay. Take the pay cut or get another job. This makes them a LOT of money but puts them into a precarious situation. Because! They had competition moving into the area. New photo studios were popping up and, if Lifetouch couldn't keep up with all their contracts, schools would move to the competition. And if schools moved to the competition Lifetouch's photographers would jump ship to double their pay. Their entire business model is dependent on having area monopolies and the second they lose that it starts a cascading effect where they lose more and more contracts and more and more…


Should I report?

I have put in my notice and the boss has gotten weird. She has had me in the office alone with her while she cries and begs me to stay. She even told me she'd beg on her hands and knees. I've never felt so uncomfortable. I'm trying to not leave early so to not screw teammates


Retail needs something better if we have to deal with this

7:30 in the morning and we had to close down the bathroom


My SO told the interviewer that multi-tasking isn’t real at an interview when asked.

Our whole friend group said that we're dumb because we consider the interview an interview of the company. My SO told me that when the interviewer asked her this, she looked at the interviewer sideways as in “wtf do you mean?” She specifically told the interviewer “yes. I am able to switch from a task to a different one and then back quickly, but no. I can't multitask. Can you type while writing? No.” The interviewer said no one has said that before. Well 2 days later, she got an offer lol. It's at a medical center. She told them that it's concerning that a place that provides health care put such an outdated, unbased question on their interview. Thanks, but no thanks. Anyways, fun one I figured a few of you might appreciate. Cheers.


Google subcontractor fires 66% of staff for unionizing