
Have you been relocated within the same company?

If you have changed roles but stayed with the same company, I’d love to hear your experience. Especially if it wasn’t your decision. Thank you!


Can I voice record my manager for creating a toxic work environment?

For context, I live in CA. Last Tuesday, my manager yelled at me for the first time in front of everyone in the office. I confronted her about it after cooling off, and she turned it around on me and exploded (as expected), voicing her long list of frustrations she has towards me. The words “you don’t even care” and “everyone thinks you’re selfish” were said. Obviously some built up resentment towards me there. I thought I was doing fine this whole time. She was yelling at me again at this point, so I took it up a notch too. My office door was closed during this fiasco, but the HR manager came in and said we were so loud the whole office can hear us and she meditated the situation, so my manager thinks she and I are cool now. After this three-way conversation, the HR manager came in…


Don’t confuse 9-5 work with purposeful work

Too many people here seem to have this dumb belief system where all they want to do is quit their jobs and vacation forever. I understand the frustrations that come from these shitty low paying jobs and how all you desire at the moment is a break, but this just isn’t how to live a good life. Everyone has work they actually would find quite meaningful, and at times even fun to do. This isn’t a hobby btw, because this work will still feel frustrating and at times you’ll just want to go and something else, but everyone has some work, some level of value they can give to the world, which will give their life more meaning. Everyone here dislikes the idea of work, and I don’t blame them because school has made work insanely boring and too punishing. But just take a step back and think; if money…


One month in

TLDR; started a new job, now doing two people's worth of work I'm about a month into my first job working as an office assistant in a small company. Another woman got hired the same time as me and we were assigned the same tasks. When I first started, I did all my assignments effective and fairly quickly because I was excited that I am finally doing something with my life. (I regret working at a fast pace when I first started because now everyone expects so much from me. This is really a lesson learned for me). Now a month later, I am realizing that I am taking on a lot more work than the woman that I was hired with. She only works part time and does the bare minimum when she's in the office. I often find myself doing more of our tasks since she slacks off.…


Quitting Story: “He’s young, he can handle it.” and how that quote backfired.

I work(ed) as an MRI Tech at a decent sized hospital in Appalachia. I was on night shift for about two years hoping to get a weekend gig at the same hospital as it was close by where I lived at, and it would work well with my school and research I was doing with my professor. In October, something in me snapped. I didn't like night shift weekdays anymore. I was perfectly fine with night shift on weekends as the grogginess was limited to weekends, and didn't like missing doing things with my friends and family cause of how tired I'd be in the morning. I put in a request to change my shift to weekends, and had it denied because: “They couldn't find anyone else to replace me”. Now, I had multiple people find out about this and got angry at the admins. The people who had been…


Coworker Fired As Retaliation

I work at a dispensary in St Louis. We have a general manager who is a general garbage human (literally grabbed a box of moon pies from the FOOD DRIVE DONATION BIN). We've been organizing, we just got the signatures required to force an election and are only one away from being unanimous. Today, one of our main folks involved got fired. Against all of the standard operating procedures (SOPs). They did not get written up, there were no warning. Just fired. Luckily the union is filing an unfair labor practices complaint, and that person will, in all likelihood, get their job and back pay. Our union just got a $145k settlement from another dispo for the same bullshit I guess my point is that capitalists will fuck you over. When we stick together they lose power.


My dream job is a nightmare

I’m working my dream job. Truly. Ever since I was a teenager I wanted to be a social worker, specifically working in foster care. Now I’m finally doing it and I’m miserable. I love my job and I could do it forever. I mean, the pay is breadcrumbs but I’m making it work for now. However, my boss and coworkers are about to ruin it for me. To make a very long story short, essentially any time I come to my supervisor with an issue, instead of being given support or a helpful solution, the situation is somehow twisted into being my fault and usually no action is taken by her. It doesn’t help that my coworkers have this sort of clique-y “mean girls” type vibe. Also, everyone acts like I’m the devil for creating boundaries that allow me to have a work life balance. I may have an opportunity…


Two people, 1 does 25% of it. Just who does the other 75%

It's not the company I'm pissed off about in this matter, although I have my own grievances on other things. It's my co worker who unfortunately have to partner with for this shift . I'll call them “Their majesty” (T. M). I work in a multiuse venue that hosts sports (the televised kind) and concerts very regularly. One particular team plays, I'm scheduled with T. M. pretty much: – clean the playing ground – wipe the team benches – media setup tables. – wipe perimeter seating – wipe and mop the retractable seating rows extended out – mop up the bases of the perimeter seats for shoe prints and dirt. – Check and Clean practice facility Typical day. I start off with the cleaning clothes, towels needed for the playing area cleaning. Then I have to grab the equipment, signs, block… Etc. After I grab all of that. T. M…



I just got done with training for this job and I am beyond drained with today. (1) I was told I would be able to CHOOSE my schedule. And also my off days. (2) I won't get holiday until like 2 months…when the holidays are over. (3) they completely lied to all of like the whole training team …by telling us false information. I'm beyond drained from back to back calls about devices I wasn't trained on. Literally the training consisted of policy. And what happens when we don't adhere..they didn't even give us our schedule this week until a day or so before. Like don't get me wrong but I really am constipating finding another job just because there's so many red flags it's ridiculous. Today is my first day on the phones and let's just say they don't believe in acw or being late 30 seconds from break.…


The pie is big enough for everyone

The math on this is really sloppy, but it's just an idea that I had and felt like sharing. The US has approximately $102 trillion in total wealth after total debt is subtracted. The US has approximately 329.35 million citizens. That divided evenly leaves every citizen with approximately $310,000 in individual wealth. That's the whole pie. If you show up to a party and everyone gets a slice of pizza that's how much you would get. Instead, you're born into this party of life, the pie is huge and you're not given a slice. You're given crumbs. I'm not a socialist and I know it's more complicated than this, but seeing how much there is to go around and how little people actually survive with seems inherently wrong.