
Post your pay!

If possible, post your pay throughout the years! If you can, post the first approximate year you were in the work force, your dollar per hour or annual salary, if relevant (or an approximate, if you're older like me and can't recall exactly), and the type of work (feel free to be generic as possible, I don't want anyone to get doxxed). And if you can, post your consecutive jobs, years, pay, etc. It's insane to me how much lower pay is in a variety of fields, these days, and since the people who track our economic stats won't do it, we need more anecdotal evidence… because I KNOW we are going backwards as far as pay goes… and I don't just mean inflation. I'll start: First job at around 15-ish in the mid-90s. Got paid $7 an hour to work at a theme park kiosk. Early 2000s, I got…


Fair work commission (AU) has ruled returning to the office is good for productivity in tribunal case

Tldr; Fair work commission (Australia) has – in a tribunal ruling – stated they feel working in the office is beneficial for productivity. It's disappointing as these rulings set a precedent and WFH should be becoming a norm. None of the sources for this are great, but this is the Sky News version. I pasted the text so you don't need to click a link/give them traffic, but this is the original if you'd like it The Fair Work Commission says working from the office can help boost productivity after it rejected an application from an employee at the salary packaging company Maxxia to work exclusively from home. Maxxia's work flexible work policy was you must be in the office at least 40 per cent of the time, whereas the employee wanted to work from home 100 per cent of the time. The company rejected the employee's request, prompting…


Honest answers only, am I being a complainer or is my boss out of pocket for requiring me and my coworkers work on a Saturday to make up for taking Thanksgiving day off ? I think it’s bullshit but I’m curious what y’all think !

Title pretty much sums it up. My boss is requiring a Saturday be worked in the next 2 weeks to make up for taking the day off on Thanksgiving. I’ve never in my life had an employer ask some shit like this so idk how to really go about telling him besides just flat out refusing to work a weekend that is supposed to my free time, all because a holiday falls on a weekday that is completely out of my control. I basically feel like I’m not even getting a day off for Thanksgiving at this point im just trading my weekend to spend time with my family for the holiday. And the icing on the cake is that working on Thanksgiving isn’t even an option. Am I being valid or should I just suck it up and stop complaining


Resigning effective immediately

I’m walking into work, after 2 weeks on vacation, and handing in my resignation. Mic drop. (I can’t sleep and am extremely anxious. But it will all be over soon.)


CorroHealth, anyone heard of this company ?

I recently was hired… I hope I didn’t make a mistake.


Not working Sundays for religious practice

My coworker of almost 2 years has had every single Sunday off since she’s been hired. Protocol is every other weekend off. She works on my weekend to work, but only Saturdays?? She talks about going away on the weekends all the time and obviously not going to church. Is this a fair accommodation to miss work every other Sunday?


2.8m idlers??

What if everyone donated 100 dollars Surely we could have enough to create a no work self sustaining community?


Today the ice cream machine broke in the factory I’m working

I arrived at work today at the Nestlé factory, where we produce ice cream. The machine was broken before we entered the factory. It was broken for 4 hours and we couldn't wait outside the factory and inside the facility, where we can exist without wearing noise-proof headphones or dust-proof clothing; and use our cell phones and talk. I was waiting and waiting for the machine to be fixed, so I decided to get comfortable, stand in the corner and just close my eyes. Then suddenly my boss appears and scolds me for my lack of enthusiasm, I reply that there is no work to do so I was just trying to kill time. Then he replies that he was expecting a 'youthful' personality and that I should be more awake. I told him I had all the energy to work on any job he had to offer in any…


i’m three days into my new retail job and I’m already at witts end.

i’ve been unemployed since i graduated college, i have a Bachelors and some good work experience, (manager for the last 2 years of the last 3 i’ve worked in a library, and before that worked food service). lots of the library jobs(or similar type of jobs) in my area move veeeery slow to hire, like three months upwards, i’ve been unemployed for awhile and decided i just needed a job to get me through because i cannot be sitting around just getting no’s three months later. (obviously i’m applying to more than one job at a time but you get the jist, i was out of savings) i got a shitty retail job, my first day was saturday. ive cashiered a total of 4 hours and am already being hounded about how i haven’t sold any credit cards, the literal second day my my manager called me to ask if…


Hired and Fired From A Job I Didn’t Know About

Read title. Literally what the fuck? I applied to a job, interview went extremely well and I was told to wait for a little while so they can shop around for other applicants. OK no problem. I wait and wait, give them a followup, nothing. Try calling, no one picks up and no call back. Eventually, my cousin in law who works there notifies me that I got fired and I never showed up for my 1st day. They hired someone else a week later. I am both mortified and impressed. This could have been a life changer of a job opportunity but I can't help but think I probably dodged a bullet.