
Did you know lying to unemployment is illegal? My ex boss didn’t!

I worked with my girlfriend at a small company. On October 27th we texted the work group chat that we can't come in because our baby is sick. On the 30th we texted the group chat again saying we're sick and can't come in. On the 31st we got a phone call saying we're fired. lol The president then sent me through his personal whatsapp our termination papers that bare his signature clearly claiming we are “Fired with out cause” Of course we just filed for unemployment that same morning. Right after I applied for unemployment I got a call out of the blue from a company that wanted to hire me. Next day I had a job. So when unemployment called me I just ignored the call. My girlfriend is still looking for work. That's how I know her unemployment is under investigation instead of denied or approved. She…


The Workforce chewed me up and spat me out.

What can I say? I got laid off from my first job at 18 because the owners cared more about losing money than the people who actually NEEDED the job (mulligans on sepulveda st in LA). 2nd job package handler I quit because I developed weight lifter’s shoulder and got written up for not coming in the morning after working till 5am. 3rd job got fired after car broke down for 2 weeks. After that got fired for sticking up for myself after we weren’t told why we had to extra hours last minute (to fix some sort of pay mistake idfk). Some side job was treated like ni*ga at men’s warehouse in Arizona, now I’m back in La and can’t find a job. Is this all life is?


Found a new job after being laid off. It only took me a week but there’s a catch.

So recently I made a post here about how shitty it was being laid off from a helpdesk position. Luckily I had received a small severance package and not even a week later after applying I found a job at an MSP (IT contractor) but there’s a catch. The office is 50 miles away and it takes an hour to get there in very harsh Miami traffic. Man that commute was brutal. It’s not every day I have to make that drive as some days I’m supposed to go to the clients location which is very close to my house, about 6 miles, 15 mins. What would y’all do in my situation? Would you keep the job or keep looking? Pay stayed pretty much the same but there’s much more opportunity for growth here. I know this is antiwork and not a career development sub but the main point of…


Just got fired for the first time…

I started thus job about a year ago and I assumed things were going fine, I did not enjoy the workplace much and the management was chaotic but I needed the money so I showed up on time and did what I was assigned. About three months ago my only other coworker quit doubling my workload which made it almost impossible for me to not to work overtime which was making me miserable, recently they hired on a new scheduler to work with me and things were going well. The director quit and a new one was brought in who changed policies on a Friday, that following Monday I forgot the changed the policy for where to punch in and punched in incorrectly which I was immediately written up for with no warning. Last week I was written up for not ordering supplies in a timely manner, even though that…


Bosses Offer “OT” on Weeks we’re ineligible.

Background info for those that don't know: Holiday Pay doesn't count towards overtime so any week that we have a holiday in the worked hours go from 40 to 32. That means any time that you would normally think is OT on holiday weeks is not actually OT. Unless you manage to work back up to 40 worked hours, only then is any additional time considered OT. I probably did a terrible job explaining that. Anyways, today our boss offered us to work late tonight. Specifically stating it was OT. This week is thanksgiving so I'll only be working 24hrs, making the extra hours I'm working not OT. This was clearly a simple mistake, nothing too nefarious. I was just wondering if there is anything illegal about offering us “OT” when it won't actually become overtime? I'm in the US (Texas).


I have to quit my min wage job immediately and the really only way is text

I've been working at this job for 2 weeks and I was only working here till I find a job with my degree. Which just happened but they want to start the on boarding process now before Thanksgiving so that I can start on monday. I have a shift tomorrow but the company I gonna start at is 3 hours away and want me there about 2 hours after my min wage shift starts. So really the only way I can let my boss know I quit is via text since I all have is his number. Is this a shitty thing to do? I'm to much of a p*ssy to call.


Tired of being a scapegoat

(details and names have been altered for privacy) Sorry this is long, I'm just so pissed off I like my job, for the most part. Usually I get sick of jobs around the six month mark, but I'm coming up on my first anniversary and until recently thought I was going to be with the company for a long time. I work in a specialty bakery. The product we make is labor intensive and it takes about three months to be fully trained. There's supposed to be one person for prep, at least two people on the roster specifically for baking what's needed for the day, and a few decorators. Lately, only one person (we'll call them Eric) has been doing all of the prep work and baking five days a week. I also work five days a week. Two of them I'm specifically scheduled to bake/prep. Usually two days…


which side do I believe?


Employer expected 82 hours a week for the next four months

Pretty gutted, and completely blindsided – I'm in was in a salaried position doing 40-50 hours a week for the last couple years. During this time, I reduced operational expenses of an extra million dollars a year, and was in the process of increasing that 6 or 7 fold. I exceeded every performance metric that was ever given, received overwhelmingly positive performance reviews, and have overall been a more than model employee. On Saturday I got the news that I was now expected to work 82 hours a week, six days a week, for the next four months (or potentially longer.) When I asked for clarification as that would mean I don't get to see my family for that duration… they doubled down. (For reference, the other salaried employees were bumped up to 60hr/week which is rough but not unheard of in this industry.) I offered to do that short…


So burnt out and exhausted from return to office

I’m so burnt out and exhausted from return to office mandates. Other employees who do the same job as me work remotely and get paid the same amount. I have an hour and 15 min commute each way and don’t drive so I have to pay $80/round trip to Uber to work every day. My entire job can be done from home on the computer. I literally go to work and sit on zoom and Slack all day. On Saturday my sink was leaking into the downstairs neighbors apartment (not an excuse it was genuinely happening) and I asked my supervisors if I could work from home so I could call a plumber and they said “that’s unfortunate but we can really use you in the office today.” Went into the office and literally sat there all day and DID NOTHING. They don’t give a shit about my plumbing problems…