
In the last month: Refused CEO mandated tasks due to the activities violating regulatory compliance, had to meet with HR and legal to explain why, consulted 3 different attorneys about it for myself, all after a year working for the most toxic, unethical, snake of a boss I have had in a long career


Management’s Solution to All Our Problems

Context: I live in Australia, and am changing some minor details (numbers mainly) to protect myself. I work in a large, multi-site business. Revenues have been dropping and staff are leaving in droves after increased workloads and two rounds of “restructures”. Morale is low and clients are picking up on it. Management conducted a whole of staff survey on employee experiences. Nearly 900 staff responded to almost 100 questions about all aspects of our job. For my division there are around 50 staff across all sites. The 5 areas of the survey we scored the lowest were: 1. Frontline staff have enough resources to do their job 2. Excellence is rewarded 3. Management are open to exploring new product lines 4. Managers respond to feedback 5. There is open and honest two-way communication with management Their initiatives? Quarterly pizza party paid for out of the pockets of the staff members…


Feeling conflicted

I applied for an internal role within my company. This was the second time I did so, with the first resulting in someone with 10 years’ experience getting hired for a junior role and the manager of the team getting fired two months later. I really wanted this role because a) it is aligned to the skills I want to develop and projects seem interesting, and b) it would be at least a 15k increase in salary based on the range they had posted. Well today I got offered the position, but their offer was only an 8k bump in my salary. When I asked our HR person about why the offer is lower than the minimum in the posted range, they said they were told I did not meet all the job requirements and that merit increases will happen in a couple months anyway. I live in a HCOL…


Ex co worker wrote bad review

I’m just venting because I feel like this might be the right place to do so. I’m pretty sure my ex coworker wrote a long horrible review about me, and in it they lie about most things, but very few things mentioned are too specific that a patient wouldn’t know. The account has one review, under a name that my job has never seen (we have a record of everyone who comes in) so it’s clearly a fake account. I’m just really frustrated because I work hard to help others patients at my job and I put in so much effort to be knowledgeable in what I do. It also sucks because I’m only like 98% sure it was them so I can’t just message them to get a few things off my chest. People read reviews and I’m just anxious about the fact people might come in having read…


Written up unfairly

Yesterday, I was written up for “not taking initiative”. I have talked to a couple of people about it and they both find it a bizarre reason for a write up. I have not been at the company for very long. But this accusation is completely baseless. Every reason that my boss stated, I have clear proof in my records that none of them are true. Does this mean my boss is trying to fire me? Should I start the job hunt?


Merry Christmas to me, I am quitting my job

I work for a small company (total of 9 FT employees). After our manager (who handled all scheduling, finances, payroll, proposals, ran the entire thing) left in March, we struggled through and came out alright. When the owner fired my manager (who handled half of the consulting business) and promptly left on a three week consult that was time zones away, I made it work (barely). You'll see a theme. When our old manager decided that they wanted their job back and came back four months ago? We are scared. Since this person (now the General Manager, GM) has returned, we have fired two people and three have quit. Replacements have been hired, of course, but no one knows how long they've got. The boss/owner of the company will do whatever the GM dictates, and we don't have any written policies to back us up. Part of my job is…


Gonna live in a van down by the river

By choice, and I'm actually quite excited about what it means for the future. Quick disclaimer I cut out a lot of context because I just started typing to fill time at work and it turned into a life story, but ain't nobody got time for dat, also obvious privacy reasons so you get what you get. Also gonna include a TLDR at the bottom because I'm nice and know that it's still quite a lot. But yeah anyway long story short my life didn't go exactly the way that I expected or wanted it to, but now I am where I am and along the way I acquired a van that I own outright. Yeah I know it's weird and creepy, but I love the freedom that it gives me and the memories made traveling in it, and because of that I haven't been able to part with the…


Working around ageism

I don't know if people don't want to work altogether, but they definitely want a place that respects them and where they feel they are contributing. My dad decided to retire early at 58 years old. He did a bit of consulting and helped out some younger leaders, but mostly, he ended up with too much free time and little to do. Inevitably, he resumed watching much TV and mainly staying at home, which wore him down mentally and physically, and he didn't get out much to socialize either. Seeing this, I attempted to assist him in finding a full-time job, and here's what I learned from the experience: Ageism is a genuine issue, clearly present in hiring, promotions, layoffs, and other areas. However, one thing you can manage is how you craft your resume and present yourself – that's something within your power to control. I wrote this article…


Calling out of work for mental health

Pardon me if this is a subject that gets brought up a lot in this subreddit, but how many of you on occasion (or frequently) take mental health days off work? Do you do it when feeling annoyed, depressed, on edge, etc?


How would they know if you clock in, work for a while, then leave and come back later to clock out?

And on a related note, when there's nothing to do and you know there won't be anything coming your way, why is it acceptable to sit there on your ass doing fuck all while pretending to look busy, but not okay to leave the premises (while still being available on the off chance that anything comes up) and actually do something enjoyable with your time? Either way, no work is getting done so why does it matter where you are.