
Boss says I have to push back my start date after resignation for new company

I got a new job at a new company with a 42% pay increase and much better befits. Not only that but my quality of life will be better since I’m not going to be working nearly 70 or more hours a week. I told them on December 4th that I will work until the end of the month and that I am resigning. They asked why, wheee I’m going and how much.. All things I didn’t want to answer. Now they are telling me that isn’t enough time to get someone else and train them.. but I’ve been working there for 3 years now, they have been telling me they would be hiring someone to help all this time and I am just sick of the stress and constantly being on call 24/7. They gave me 5 days paternity leave when my child was just born and my new…


Cellular sales stories?

Bored at work, what are your personal experiences & HELLular sales experiences?


I need some help for a co-worker

I have a co-worker named Kerry at this welding place called cooper steel in Tennessee he got fired for taking too many days off WITH HIS OWN PTO and he only took off 8 days in the whole year I just want y’all to know and to avoid them like satan himself he ain’t deserve that, don’t take no jobs from that place let them suffer, I heard the shop used to be real small and family owned but now it’s just some corporate monster and they’re just cutting people away for not being good for their profit


Will the corporate propaganda ever stop?

I used to be career driven but not anymore bc it doesn’t pay off. I unlearned a lot of things and had to re-teach myself to focus only on my peace and happiness. For 5 years in corporate I was never happy about my job, and for years I wondered if life is a scam and living is supposed to just feel like death. I’ve decided to start my own thing and eventually quit corporate permanently when my own business is sustainable and stable enough, but this really got me thinking, how did we even get here? Who tf in the right mind would dream of labor? Who came up with the “dream job” concept? In my dream land I don’t even need money, I just do stuff for free and without consequences. Do people even know the concept of a dream? I’m really concerned and sad that this is…


These people are so condescending.

Listening to the annual town hall of the Fortune 500 company I work for. One executive asks another executive in the totally unscripted “Q&A,” “why is it so important to have strong cash return to our shareholders at a time like this?” And the dude smuggly replied, “well I don’t have time to teach an entire MBA course in 60 seconds.” Fuck off.


So what is this subreddits views?

You guys really want to abolish work? Like isn’t that the fabric of ummm all of human society?


Is Optum a good employer?

My HR is changing to Optum. We are a small physician owned hospital network. I work in the billing side, and everything that is in my small office be it the call center or the billing and coding is moving to be under Optum. One concern I have with my current HR is the salary, while competitive, is average range at best with very slow increases. Does Optum have decent salary increases? What about obtaining more certifications? It's all about the money too me. Any red flags you know of? Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks!


Office Manager texted me to confirm that it is ok I don’t get paid my full paycheck tomorrow.

I can’t make this up. The Office Manager TEXTED me this morning and said my “time card fell through the cracks” and I will be short 20 hours this paycheck. (She does payroll herself on Quickbooks.) She TOLD me to confirm in writing that that was ok or she would “try her best to start a new payroll.” I told her “Start a new payroll.” and I called her boss. Her boss didn’t answer because apparently they were on the phone and my Office Manager texted me 5 minutes later saying “you will get paid with the 20 hours included.” She then victimized herself and said work has been -SO- busy with the end of the year reports and she was struggling. Ok so I wasn’t going to get paid because you failed to prioritize payroll for a 2 person office staff? Herself included. About 2 weeks ago, she was…


Strike outside of Elmwood Taco & Subs today


Your job is whatever needs doing

Saw this in the back room of a store I was in today. Do you think everyone who works at the store makes the same pay rate?