
Happy Holidays from Stellantis!


Why is my pizza so slow???

Yes it’s a click bait title. Sitting at dominos wondering why pizza is slow and seeing hiring signs every 4 feet. Starting wage is 7.73/hr????? Wtf??? Why even bother applying? No wonder they don’t have help. Two pizzas costs nearly 30$ now and that money sure as $HIT isn’t going to the staff. No, you’re right, ppl don’t want to work. Because business don’t want to PAY


This is a real job listing I found. Wtf?

I am not kidding. This is 100% real. This place seems so healthy to work at. This isn’t just a “job”. It’s an opportunity to be part of a locally respected and passionate that have built a stellar reputation as the most caring, trustworthy, and experienced audiological groups in City, State. We’re now seeking somebody that wants to join our “family”, show us the commitment that we’ll show them and be part of shaping our future, as a Patient Care Coordinator. If you want to know more about who we are and whether our company culture is right for you before further investing your time in this job advert, then please click here companylinkhere As you’re continuing to read, you must like what you’ve seen. The truth is, we’ve developed a very special culture, and we’re absolutely committed to maintaining it. The person that we hire must be a great…


forced to RTO and now Management says we need to have more fun in the office, we’re too quiet

after working from home full time for 3 years successfully, we've been forced to be back in office 3 days a week. today we had a meeting about how HR complains about us not showing enough presence in the office. we are apparently not showing like we're having fun and we're too quiet. we need to have more fun and build company culture. I want to puke, there's nothing more cringe than company culture, most of us show up for the money and we'd all rather stay home since we can do our job in front of the computer wtf we want to sit in traffic, commute to office, and have fucking fun


Had to quit a job after 6 months due to poor management. Need advice

I worked at a job that involved a lot of responsibilities and multitasking often by myself. I was repeatedly told by multiple levels of management that I was doing a great job and they enjoyed having me there. An employee was sexually harassed by a customer to the point of not being comfortable or feeling safe and the manager/owner not only allowed the customer to continue to come in, she also tore into the employee about it being her fault and berated her. I know I wasn’t the only one to question the owner on this but I’m pretty sure I was the only one who quit. I’m worried that having this job on my resume wouldn’t be a good idea in case they called for a reference/would they rehire me. Any suggestions on how to keep the experience on my resume or explain to an interviewer? Am I just…


Worked there for years. Hardest part is starting from square one.


Zero availability for an interview at Ikea for one of the lowest-skill positions in the entire company


Unexpected Meeting with HR tomorrow and Manager

Hey guys, my manager scheduled a meeting with HR tomorrow without advising me beforehand. I had a small argument with a guy from our team a month ago which started because I was disrespected but I made my best to cool things off while others spread out bad stuff about me. Manager was concerned about the energy at work. Feels like I did nothing wrong on my end. Does it look like I'm about to get fired? Thanks.


My company lied about our bonus

Our company gave us an incentive for our sales team to hit for new customers and we would get commission based on sales to new customers. After months of waiting for the bonus we got it and found out they split the bonus between ALL employees not just sales like it was worded in the email. Our large bonus was brought down to a laughable amount after busting our asses to get it up. Not sure what to do here


How many of you have “quiet quit” and when did it start for you?

I got to say for me I quiet quit my last job 5-6 years into it after realizing I didn't have a future with that company, but I never left because I was at least getting paid and now have a decent savings account because of it. I legit started my new job early this year and I've already quiet quitted. I hardly do the bare minimum since I gave them a whole summer of hard work and not a single fucking praise. Or even any kind of “hey keep it up you've been doing an awesome job”. The moment I make a mistake I feel like it destroys everything i worked hard for so what's the point anymore? I'm just going to keep working enough so I don't get fired, but if I do I doubt I'll be upset over it. It also just seems the way 2023 has…