
Me: Ungrateful for my Christmas Bonus

I have been with my company (~100 employees) for just over a year. This last year has been tough, my manager and 2 other seniors in my department left the company. The only other more senior member of my department stepped up to the management role. This left a lot of projects to fall into my lap. During the departure of those three employees all within a 2 month period (around July), I received a 4% raise as a thank you for dealing with the mess. Just did a year end review where I received a 6% raise. Bonuses are not guaranteed (I was basically told by my new manager to not expect a bonus) and only offered at the discretion of company shareholders. I received a 1% bonus. My pay is definitely on the lower end in my industry, and I hoped that my raises would be higher. The…


Good studies but no more stamina

Hello everyone, I may ask for your support and advices please, as many of you are older and way more experimented than I am. I am a North West African guy and I have complied my studies one year and a half ago in math, economics and finance in top schools in Europe (with two master degrees). I can be hired almost everywhere, and I had many opportunities in Venture Capital, Private Equity, Consulting, Audit… I even worked a bit in one of these industries, and I appreciated the experience, but I have been fired with half of the team for economics reasons. However, unfortunately, I realized that I do no longer have the stamina and the energy (physically and mentally) to work a full time job. Since the 4 days work week is not yet the norm in my country (and even working 4 days might be too much…


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Dealing with a non-technical manager (Software Engineer)

3 months ago I joined a company as a software engineer. My manager (who is supposed to be a technical manager) has 0 idea about basic technical stuff. his job title is a technical title that is usually only given to people with 10+ years experience in the software industry, but somehow he is hired there. Before realizing how naive he is, we were having a casual conversation and discussing current tasks' progress and deadlines, and I made a mistake of sharing too much information with him such as automating tasks through bash scripts and other ways. which he surprisengly responded by “so you are lazy and don't want to work?”. I was shocked by his response because it is well known that good software engineers leverage automation where applicable. Not only that he considers automation laziness, but whenever I see a bad code quality or an anti-pattern from others'…


This sign is on the counter at my job today. That’s 2$ more an hour than I make.

Two weeks ago my pay got cut to 13$ an hour and my hours got cut to 36hr/s over the course of two weeks. I just had two days off, drove forty minutes to the location we have in the next town over, ran myself completely out of gas getting here, and spot this shit.


Even if you have experience and meet all the criteria, it’s still so hard to get a job!

I got laid off in September and am currently on unemployment. I'm in an IT/tech field, and I'm struggling to find another job. When I went to a mandatory reemployment course, 6 out of 9 of us in the class were in IT or similar technical fields. One of them worked for IBM for 10 years. Another was in biotech. Out of the dozens and dozens and dozens of applications I've sent, I've had two recruiters reach out. The first one told me that they went with someone more experienced after the initial phone screening (I have more than four years of experience in a position that was asking for two, and the job only paid up to $55,000). The second one had two positions open…or so I was led to believe. I had the initial phone screening with the recruiter, did an interview with the person I would have…


I HATE forced team dynamics!

You know, things like mandatory pizza parties, or (especially in East Asia) drinking parties with your boss, or even more trivial things like “team-building questions” such as a boss asking “is the dress blue or orange?” and you trying your hardest to pretend like it’s not an irrelevant question that: 1. Has nothing to do with the job and 2. Is a forced way of trying to make comraderie out of someone whose social dynamics would render that impossible in any natural way (due to things like power dynamics, the workplace incentives, etc) Maybe it just bothers me alone, because in many ways I’m considered neurodivergent in our society. And if this is the case, this is yet another way that neuroatypical people are disadvantaged and discriminated against. Can we all stop pretending like our jobs are some “family” that doesn’t only exist because isolated workers are all dependent on…


My job in a nutshell ….


Left Job. Boss came to my going away party to tell me they already hired my replacement.

Basically the title. I was at my job a long long time. I got sick and tired of not getting a raise or recognition despite putting in a significant amount of extra effort that directly helped grow the company and their bottom line. Decided I deserved better. Found it. Put in my 2 weeks notice. On my last day, we all went to a nearby bar. Boss stopped in just to tell me that he can't stay long because they already hired me replacement, and he has prep work to do. Yes, I know that they have to fill my position. I just thought it was incredibly shitty for him to walk in, tell me that, and leave immediately after that. I took it as basically telling me I'm replaceable. Because I am. We all are. Don't forget that and don't waste your energy and life for a place that…