
Manager is trying to force me to work from my desk

Technically, I’m allowed to be fully remote. This is the direction both he and his director gave our team. Suddenly, he is trying to force me to not only work from the office, but requiring I work from my desk specifically. Therefore, I’m not able to work from the office patio or anywhere around the office. To my knowledge, this is still optional for my counterpart. Is he allowed to do this??? It feels absolutely INSANE. *He’s only doing it to retaliate against me as he knows I enjoy working from cafes. He’s grasping as straws to be able to fully control me in the strangest way, but the retaliation concern is a whole other [much bigger] issue I’m not going to get into at this time.


Hey, why are we at work?

I just can't understand how people CAN forget why we work. We work because we get paid to. Back in the day, it was because the owner and the workers were planning to build the company. Together. Its not 1979 anymore. No. I am not paid to deal with (whatever drama) this. No, you don't have to accept/deal with this rude human. Minimum wage gets Minimum effort. We go to work because they pay us to. I act my wage every day. Is my company gunna do differently?



Hey everyone! I wanted to ask if any of you have any experience with CLOUDSTAFF Company. They recently contacted me and things are looking really promising! I successfully passed all the interviews, including the Client interview, and we even discussed a verbal job offer. However, they did mention that there's a possibility the client might back out since only a few of us made it through. So now, I'm anxiously waiting for the Client SOW to be finalized. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out smoothly! By the way, I'm curious if any of you have ever been in a situation where a client backed out after discussing a job offer with the HR? I'm currently in the same boat, waiting for the Client SOW, and it would be great to hear about your experiences. Feel free to share!


Too depressed to do my work. Waiting to get fired.

I feel terrible. Have a 6 month old baby at home and partner works 5pm to 7am at the hospital. I have a work from home job, but have recently given up. I log in for our daily standup and bs a little about what I'm going to work on, but I think everyone knows at this point that I'm done. I have another job lined up, but at this point I'm just waiting to get fired. It feels like I'm doing something wrong, but I just can't make myself care anymore. Not sure how to make myself fell better. Is what I'm doing okay?


How do I refuse extra work?

So I was asked to learn someone's else role which is pretty technical and it take a while to learn and I am not absorbing the information well because I am trying to keep up and be more efficient with the job I was hired to do instead of learning a entirely new role that does not overlap much with what I do. Supposedly, this is to cover the person when she is on vacation, but the problem is, there is too much to learn and I don't really have the time to do her work in order to get some practice so I can retain the knowledge since her work deadlines conflict with mine. How do I inform the managers that I can't handle the extra work?


Lowball job offer

In my previous role I was compensated at 51k unfortunately I lost my job. Due to this I have been applying everywhere. I applied to a role that only wants to compensate me at $19. That’s a huge decrease! This role only requires a high school diploma or GED. I tried to negotiate with the fact that I have a bachelors degree in the healthcare field and I am bilingual. Their max is at 23.86 which wouldn’t be to far off from the 24.52 I was previously making. The HR rep wouldn’t budge in fact she said that she wanted to recommend a lower offer. I’m truly shocked I graduated with above a 3.0 had previous work experience before and after the degree. I did several internships and received awards I made sure to list them on the resume. I worked two great previous roles that compensated me accurately. What…


Ready to Resign. Advice Please

A while ago I asked for a promotion and provided justification for it. I got the usual run around so I left that division for another one. The problem is I’m still connected to my previous division through a task. I’ve tried to distance myself but my current supervisor wants to be a team player when the previous division makes extra requests related to the task. This causes me more work that could be done by the previous division and I’m ignored by my current leaders every time I point these instances out. I did not get a pay increase when I moved to the new division. I’m ready to resign and take a short break to get my health back on track. I’m giving myself a couple months before putting in my notice to make sure I don’t burn myself when applying for other jobs or negatively impact my…


I was told I’d be fired in a new job interview.

This is a strange one. I'm (M/24) I've been struggling to find a job for 3 months and finally found a job working as a fundraiser for nonprofit organisations (door to door) I did the interview with this lady that had bad attitude. She talked too fast with a thick accent, I couldn't understand most the things she said. When I asked her to repeat herself, she'd continue talking and skip what I said. Then she mentioned “if you can't get quarter the amount of the target in a week, I will fire” she mentioned that she'd fire me more than 3 times in the job interview. I think a manager like her for my mental health is a big no. the company website talk about nice treatment, diversity and respect and growth etc, but I saw none that. Is this normal? Are interviews conducted in this manner? Now I…


Collegues are “happy” to work unpaid overtime

I work in a small team in a small-ish buisness and my team members all do loads of unpaid overtime and it really winds me up. I've talked to them about it a few times and they say they are “happy to do it” or that “it's just how it is”. I don't understand them! I arrive the minute my shift starts, and leave the minute it ends, but they spend hours a week beyond their contract working. I feel like they are putting the expectation that this is ok (which is it not). I don't know if my boss even knows how much overtime they are putting in (he's rarely on site) so I get the label of 'least productive' because I only work my paid hours.


Stuck stuck stuck

Clearly, I feel so stuck at my new job. It’s been close to 5 months and things were going well to start I thought. It’s a cabinet shop placed underneath his family home. I am his first employee ever. He was on his own for well past 8 years. This is my first cabinet shop job. I was hired because I have experience in teaching woodworking (fine woodworking more so) and I know my way around a shop since I have my own and also had one at the woodworking retail store I worked at for a few years. I was recommended to him by one of my coworkers there. I had to heavily negotiate just to get a somewhat fair starting wage. But he was a nice guy and I really wanted this opportunity since I plan to open my own business soon (not cabinets though). I knew it…