
Language school turnover and help.

Open to ideas, but first some context: There’s a large, well-known franchise brand language school with multiple locations around Spain with, what I believe to have, the highest turnover rate in the industry. They deliberately market the rose-tinted teach abroad angle around mid-Summer, onboard fresh-faced TEFL teachers, and squeeze them dry. Back to back classes, 30+ students per class, sending them around the city to company classes, 1 hour per location. When mid-July comes they let go every single one and restart the hiring, going as far as lying to students that the teachers had the travel bug and went to Asia (they’re still in the city, with no social security due to only having worked one academic year). They also get very concerned when teachers discuss their employment terms, conditions, contracts, legality of the whole setup amongst themselves. Those with the a good Spanish level, enough to bring their…


this is directed at the lowest tier hourly workers


Anyone remember that story on here about Harry Brown the business owner charging democrats more for snacks? I’m Harry Brown.

So, ages ago I posted here with a fake story pretending to be a gun store owner that put up a sign saying we were now charging for snacks and drinks due to the democrats. I literally printed the sign out and stuck it on my kitchen cabinet, pretending to be a work break room. 99% of people fell for it, and several news outlets ran it as a real story. Just shows you how you probably shouldn’t believe anything out on the internet.


Just a reminder that your job will screw you in any way that you can.

I was on strike for 42 days with my local Teamsters union. I started work with my company in September. We just recently came back after our 42 day strike with a subpar contract, but we have a 2,000 dollar bonus! Nice! But, only the people who have been here full time and not on probation are eligible. Thats the kicker, because since I was “suspended” for 42 days, my probation is extended by that long, whereas it would have ended on the 5th of December. This fucks me over, as I get no bonus, no upfront pay raise, and I had leave planned for December that I can no longer take without being fired, due to being on probation. This leaves me fucked for the holidays. I was planning on going and seeing my mom, who is going through chemo right now. Ive been working 2 jobs this whole…


How to actually do the bare minimum and not get fired?

I know we keep making jokes about it but how does one actually succeed in just being average at work? For me it’s either 0 or 100, but doing the most has gotten me nowhere. I work a salaried corporate desk job if anyone has tips.


Repost: They literally admitted to paying us peanuts


Casually posting a job that’s actually three different jobs for only $22 an hour


Got a “promotion” that is really just 3 people’s jobs

Hi, first time posting here. A little background about me, I used to want to be a “boss babe” and had no issue with hustle culture until eventually becoming very burned out. I quit my high pressure sales job and got what some might call a “lazy girl job” at a small family owned company in the office. At first, I really liked it. The job was pretty relaxed, no micromanaging for the most part, and I really like my coworkers. A few months ago though, it all started going downhill. I already felt I was underpaid, but I explained it away to myself by saying that the job was low stress and that made it ok. However, I started learning more and more about the 40 hour work week (and honestly, more than 40 in most cases) and how detrimental it really is to mental health and how we…


Entrepeneurs of this sub…

Have you figured out working entirely alone as a sole proprietorship or alongside a close, trusted confidant or two? If so, what do you do and how did you get it going?


It’s not the job or role, its working, in general, that’s isn’t a good fit

“Work, I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you go” How many times have you heard the “I’m sorry, but this isn’t a good fit. We need to part ways” or something equally as vague and undermining when leaving or getting fired from a job? Share your angst!