
Williams-Sonoma employee appreciation for the holiday season ..

Understaffed. Lay-offs. Unrelenting customer service issues to handle. Low quality health care. But pizza!


Yet another boomer company run by narcissistic boomer morons — I’ll do my part by not buying any of their trash vehicles


Boss canceled office holiday lunch day before the lunch

We are a small company. We operate the HQ office with less than a handful of people and have sales reps in different areas. All in all, company employee list is under 20. Company does very well for itself and boss is an older man (80's) who lives alone and still manages to own several expensive vehicles, but only only keeps about 3 of them on rotation. I digress. As most of our employees aren't local, we set a Thursday lunch at a fairly fancy restaurant (that boss chose himself), and had 4 people flying in for a day or two to attend the sales meeting in the morning and then the whole office lunch in the afternoon. One rep had a parent pass away and ended up having to be out of the country for a couple of months. On Tuesday another rep (the one that lives most local)…


Quitting my job if they keep this up

I have a closing shift soon with a really rude manager with anger issues and if he is rude to me again today, I'll turn in my 2 weeks the next day. only reason I won't be quitting on the spot is because the rest of my managers and coworkers are super sweet and I'd rather they not suffer the consequences of his actions. so I'll be courteous and give them all two weeks. however, if he's calm and collected, then I'll go through with my original plan to first get accepted in a different job and THEN quit. in the meantime, does anyone know how to handle the rudeness from a manager in a retail store? this job used to be fun before he showed up and started being mean. not even the customers were this bad bc at least it was a 5 minute argument with them and…


Manager expects my attention while not on the clock.

I work a union job. It’s hourly. My manager has my personal phone number. They regularly text me outside of my scheduled work hours about work-related things. I usually don’t answer if I’m not at work. Today, they sent an email asking if those scheduled for a certain day were available to come in 1 hour early to fulfill a special request from a client. This extra hour is to be paid at 1 our overtime. This was 2 days before the day of the request. They then sent a text message to my personal phone to get me to check my email and respond. Our union rules state that notice of a change in a scheduled work day has to be given in writing no less than 7 days in advance. I’m already not going to go. For one, I’m not a morning person. I don’t want to be…


About to request better raise, wish me luck!

So I've been working towards a promotion for the past 8 months and I finally got it! Super grateful but I noticed the increase in salary with it is only roughly 5% where they were saying it was supposed to be 8-12%. Honestly I wouldnt care but I live in south florida so I have to get every dollar I can so I feel I need to try to negotiate. I'm asking for the full 12% since we are understaffed and our demand is going up, not too hopeful though since it was told to me verbally and the only documentation was from 2017 stating this explicitly. I figure it's worth trying but I'm still nervous as hell since I never thought I'd get far enough to negotiate my salary ever.


Marriott Breached Our Agreement


Curious what you guys think of my company’s “incentivized unlimited PTO” program.

There was a recent post from u/dancorbe regarding the farce that is unlimited PTO that had me wanting to open this up to scrutiny from people outside the echo chamber that is my team. It's been really well received by them, but I'd love to hear potential pitfalls r/antiwork might be able to point out. For context: I am of the opinion (which I believe is widely shared in this sub at least) that unlimited PTO is a scam meant to put the onus on you, the worker, to take time off, and to take less time off than your coworkers so as not to look bad by comparison. It is designed so companies can dust their hands off and say “but we give you unlimited. it's not our fault you're feeling pressured to take less. we're cool.” In that way it's similar to the “we're a family here” crap.…


Yes managers are clueless


Lack of degree

Hey fellow Redditors, I've been part of a company for the past decade, and it's been quite the journey. However, there's a twist – I don't have a degree. Yep, you read that right. The lack of a degree has been a constant source of anxiety for me, and now, I'm contemplating a career change. The fear of everyone finding out about my degree gap is real, and it's holding me back from seeking advice openly. But here I am, ready to face it and make a change for the better. I know Reddit is a diverse community with a wealth of experiences, and I believe in the power of collective wisdom. So, dear Redditors, I'm reaching out to you for advice. How do I overcome the fear of being judged for not having a degree? Have any of you navigated a similar situation, and if so, what steps did…