
Found managers ‘burn book’

As title states. this morning when I came to work, we had a new hire so as we do, we have to give all new hires a notebook. So I went to the back to find one and I ended up coming across one that looked empty. There was no name I opened it up just to make sure it was actually empty , and instead, I found five pages of just insults towards me and my other coworkers. Such as “how is this person even a floor lead “ “was this person even trained?” “feels like i’m the only one with a brain” and much much more don’t get me wrong. I’m OK with criticism and I can deal with constructive criticism, but there was absolutely none in this book. It was literally just pages of her making fun of everyone. Against my better judgment, I did keep reading…


Layoff PTSD

tl;dr: Subject to layoff dread at a moment's notice. Late stage capitalism is fucked up. Every time I've been laid off, the ax has fallen in the same way: an unexpected meeting invitation from a manager, with a title that only names (some or all of) the participants and no specified agenda. A month ago, 3.5% of my department was laid off. Two days ago, I got a meeting invitation for today from my manager “Bob” titled “Rahul : Bob” – no agenda included. My heart stopped. After spiritually collecting myself as best I could, I summoned the courage to reply asking if I needed to prepare in any way. He answered that he just wanted to catch up. I didn't think he's the kind of soulless corporate monster who would lie about that – but you never know until you know. Got out of that meeting a little while…


Women of Anti work, I need your help….

A guy twice my age is actively targeting me and my fellow women at my job and I've been told by the higher ups that if I or anyone else complain about him we'll all be fired, and I can't find another place to work that pays as well as this job. He's been hiding my chair. Tore down something I drew on my downtime that another person put up for me. Has been putting up little notes mocking me (example being: I vented to my mom about some of his bullshit and she happens to work for the same place different department and acted on my behalf because she knows the place inside and out. The other day he put up a note saying “I'll tell my mommy!” To mock said situation.) and even going to the schedule our supervisor makes for us, and scratches my name out causing…


Release of Claims Canada (BC)

Hello, I’ve been fired without cause from my job and provided the minimum severance per ESA. They have also provided me with a release of claims form so I won’t talk about the racism I experienced in the organization with 3 weeks of compensation. Tbh 3 weeks feels low considering the BS i put up with and the media headache they’re avoiding if I don’t say anything. My question is, is 3 weeks standard, and how much more can I ask for? I am also going to consult with a lawyer next week.


Can’t apply for a job within the company I work at because I haven’t been in the position I’m overqualified for long enough

While on the job search for a better paying job I saw the company I work for was hiring for a financial analyst position. I have a finance degree, and have been looking for a position as a financial analyst. I talked to my supervisor, and told them I wanted to apply for it and got the green light to do so. I applied and was immediately rejected because I haven’t been in my current position long enough. My current position requires a GED or high school diploma and pays 30K a year. The new position requires a degree in finance (which I have). I was rejected solely because I haven’t been in my current position the minimum required amount of time. I’ve never been more unmotivated to work for a company. I guess it’s time to send out more applications than I already am, and then quit without giving…


Corporate Creeps


Exactly what I needed three weeks before Christmas, in winter, during a cost of living crisis…

Everybody in our department received the same e-mail. The entire office emptied out early shortly after it went out. Truly, truly embarrassing.


Work 60 hr week = I’m inefficient

I work in a country with terrible labour laws and for the past 5 months since we had a peak period of client servicing I had to work 60-62 hour weeks in order to service my clients. I don’t know why I feel paralysed by some unknown fear and I can’t quit … I don’t know why. I feel useless and I feel like worthless. I am good at my craft but bad at making a business out of it – tried and had to shut it down since I could never charge people full price. The company I work for currently is considered one of the better ones in the industry. It can “make my profile” to work with them … I cannot breathe and I don’t think anyone gets this … Meanwhile my dog also died and I was gaslit about working from home the day after she…


My wife only received a small portion of her check and her employer told her too bad she has to wait until next payday.

My wife works in California for a large corporation that is based out of Florida. Today is her payday and it is direct deposit. For some reason she only received about 1/5 of her regular check so she asked HR what happened. They told her sorry there was an error in accounting and that they made a mistake. They then contacted corporate, but corporate just said too bad she has to wait until next payday and they will add the difference to that check. Are they allowed to do this?


Marriott Mafia