
JK, they’ll just find another man with moderate income job that ruins him physically, while living on child support checks from the previous husband.


getting railroaded because my boss is a dumbass and cant handle the fact that im smarter and better than him at everything

i started this job about 3 months ago and knew i was going to get screwed with because ive worked there before. i have photos and videos of all their OSHA violations, NYS DEC violations, and straight up illegal stuff they do (operating big trucks with no CDL etc). i also have audio recording of my boss and managers sexually harassing me and the other employees. it's really bad. my boss is also a paramedic for the local ambulance corps and he tells us all the dirty details about who got hurt and what happened, breaching confidentiality. he found out a few weeks ago that ive been recording and documenting everything and now he is doing everything he can to force me to quit. he is giving me the hardest dirtiest work he can give me and treating me like garbage. he wont sit at the break table anymore and…


Non Profits are *Still* trash

So in my last anti work post, I mentioned how I feel guilty for taking days off, how I'm insanely overworked and how honestly theres no growth with this job for all of the skills and hours I've worked. Well guess who got written up. I've stressed that I don't have enough support, that I'm over worked and It feels like I can't have any of my coworkers help out when I need it. For context I work in a non profit stationed in a high school, we run clubs and provide additional support to the teachers of the school, so I do the work of the teacher, but don't get the benefits or protection of a union. So, knowing all this, I have been written up yesterday for 'not being able to focus in on my work', never mind the fact that I'm doing the work of 3 people…


“Gravestone of the American Dream” or A ‘Christmas Vacation’ Analysis

Gravestone of the American Dream” or A ‘Christmas Vacation’. Analysis. I recently made a comment on this sub referencing the 1989 movie “Christmas Vacation”. Clark Griswold is the patriarch of his firmly (upper) middle class family. The crux of the film is not receiving an expected year-end bonus due to greed of his boss. Clark says he wrote a check for $7500 as deposit. He says if he doesn’t get the bonus “soon” he will be in financial trouble. ($7500 in 1989 is ~$18k today.) The median cost of a vinyl lined pool in 1989 was approximately $15k. Clark also says he will fly his family back when the pool is completed. Clark has been at his company for 17 years. This leads us to a reasonable assumption that Clark’s expected bonus would be $7500-$20k. According to records from the time Chemisit V-Chemist VII roles paid $60k-$80k. Let’s assume Clark…


My experience this year

Hey everyone. This year has been one of my worst, and I want to share with you all why. Back in 2021, I landed a job with a small family-owned business with a rather sizable e-commerce presence. On paper, the position was data analysis and SEO optimization. In reality, it was being someone marketing could dump busy work onto, as well as being the person to catch mistakes the short-staffed customer service and warehouse teams were making before they went out the warehouse dock. And these weren’t small mistakes either – I’m talking about pallets of an item getting shipped instead of single count items. Regardless, I had hitherto no such experience in anything of the sort but I forced myself to learn out of a need to prove I was worthy of the opportunity I was given. I got quite good at generating reports on Excel, taught myself SQL…


I have a coworker who has been at our company for 5 years and hasn’t gotten a raise…

You want to talk about red flags? Well do I have a long laundry list of them. I work for a non-profit organization that has multiple different departments. My department produces a monthly magazine, and when I first started I was just happy to have a job, because I got a degree in English and realized very quickly that the job outlook (aside from being a teacher which I don't want to do) is very terrible for people like me. I've been with this company for about a year, and I love my direct supervisor. She is supportive, accommodating and even allows me to have a hybrid remote schedule due to the long commute in the area that I live in. But even though I don't have any direct issues with the people I work with, the upper management and the CEO of our non profit are extremely questionable and…


No … my scratchy, ill fitting uniform is not a “benefit.”

This is the first job where I have ever had to wear a uniform. The material the shirt is made of is scratchy and uncomfortable. The pants split up the back when you bend over (and we're bending over and squatting all the time). The pants do not fit women correctly, so women never wear them. We do hard labor. Thankfully, we are allowed to wear black clothing instead of uniforms, which pretty much everyone does. But we had a manager tell us that we make at least $10 more an hour because of the (absolute garbage) uniforms they provide. They should just pay us the $10/hr more so we could buy decent work clothes. I guess I don't understand how they can say stuff like that with a straight face.


Work is my whole life and I don’t get paid for about 1/3 of it.

I just wanted to vent. I’m a provisionally licensed therapist for a group practice. I primarily work in an elementary school. Not employed by the school system. I also see clients outside of school and do supervised visitations with parents who lost custody of their kids. I get paid $35/hr but that is only for time that I am actively in session. Here are things I’m expected/required to do that I do not get paid for: -progress notes for every session -treatment plan updates every 90 days for every client. -talking with teachers, administrators, parents about their kids. -Completing crisis assessments for kids who aren’t my clients. -Allowing new therapists to shadow me, which usually limits the number of clients I can see. -use my own gas to transport to and from visits (no reimbursement for gas, but I am paid for the time.) -Christmas, summer, spring break. I have…


Does this mean they don’t do overtime pay?? How is that legal if so??

“All overtime pay will be your hourly wage”


City delays care for employee past work comp window

City employee here. I was injured on the job in October and reported it immediately. Work comp was initiated and I was sent to their occupational MDs for X-rays and an MRI. The report on the MRI was “grossly unremarkable” and they put me on light duty and physical therapy. Fast forward through two months of physical therapy and a follow up with their Dr. “Let's send you to a specialist for a cortisone shot” I go to the specialist yesterday. “Who on earth read your MRI? “grossly unremarkable?” You don't need an injection you need surgery…. 4-6 weeks of recovery and then 3 months of light duty” The city now tells me that I am past my window of work comp and will have to take unpaid time to recover. Their Dr. misread the MRI and sent me back to work. I really thought working for the gov. would…