
Screwed over and then awarded

My husband works for a big million (billion?) dollar company in tech. When he started they said they were family oriented, we quickly found out that was a lie when they didn’t offer any paternity leave. Since then he’s been told he’ll get a raise three times with no raise every happening and he’s been told he’s receiving a promotion only to then be told it’s a lateral move after they’ve already moved him. They just laid off a bunch of people but they managed to buy a space x rocket to put on display at their corporate office for absolutely no reason. It’s amazing to me that these companies treat their workers like absolute shit and then are surprised when they can’t keep employees. Edit: forgot to add that then today he gets awarded (again) for being one of the top IT team members and clearing the most tickets.…


As a chronically unemployed disabled person, I can feel a bit conflicted about this thread sometimes

We shouldn't HAVE to work 40+ hrs a week to be able to barely scrape by. I completely agree with this. But at the same time, I'd give anything for a job. I'm constantly rejected from even the most entry-level jobs. The only reason that I'm not homeless is because I'm lucky enough to have generous parents, and a partner that makes just enough to cover bills. Disability benefits are a fucking joke. It's not “free living,” it's poverty. The most you can be awarded in my state is a bit above a 1k a month. Which isn't nothing, of course, but you're still living in poverty. You're not able to be anywhere near independent on that. Fuck this system.


CEO really likes to share his religion


Finally pulled the plug and quit today

I’ve worked at a vet for 3 years and I’ve always felt like I had a relatively good relationship with my managers, despite some subtle disagreements here and there. Out of courtesy, I mentioned to them that I would be moving in 6 months, and even though I didn’t have an end date yet, they forced me to write a written resignation. Backtrack 2 weeks ago. Keep in mind I still have 4 months left until I’m no longer an employee. My dog gets a dental procedure and several growths removed. I have always gotten an extremely good employee discount so I was not worried about price, and no estimate was made up. After the entire surgery had already been said and done, my manager called me into her office to tell me that I wouldn’t be getting the employee discount and that I would be paying full price (Since…


I’m underpaid, under appreciated, and overworked but afraid of retailation

I'm wondering if anyone has gone through a similar situation and has any advice. This post might be long but I want to provide context that I feel is important to the situation. I graduated from college (bachelors) 2 years ago and have been at my current job for a little over a year. This job is meant to be a stepping stone to get experience for moving up in your career. Because me and my coworkers are newly out of college we get paid very poorly. I live in one of the most expensive cities in the country. Performance reviews are coming up and I need basically a perfect score to get a 3% raise (the highest possible). I feel like I work my ass off but I'm afraid I will get poor reviews. I feel like what's happening at my job is not okay but maybe I'm overreacting.…


My work chewed me out but I’m pretty sure I’m in the right.

I asked for a day off on a Friday and they moved my work to Saturday. Never telling me other than silently moving the day i work on the rota, I go into work with a friend (It’s a pub) and I’m told I’m meant to be working that day. This subreddit flashes in my head and I figure I asked for the day off not for it to be moved, it’s not my fault they fucked up so I say no and don’t work and spend the rest of the day drinking and chilling with my friend. I know this might be a story for AITA but I reckon this subreddit is more specified for this kind of situation. Everyone I’ve asked advice from about this either says it’s both mine and there fault or it’s entirely their fault.


Got laid off, but I was the only contact for the big meetings lunch order

I got laid off yesterday with no warning, after a 90 day new-hire probationary period. Allegedly I was not meeting expectations, but being routinely told I was doing exactly as I was supposed to. So no notice or opportunity to improve. Worst part was I really loved this job, and absolutely would have done more if I had any inkling I wasn’t meeting expectations, especially to such a degree my job was at risk. There’s a big meeting at the office today. I was responsible for ordering lunch. I was the contact for the delivery. Despite putting detailed delivery instructions the guy is having a hard time finding the office I guess. I don’t work there anymore. I won’t be helping. I was somewhat kind— they asked if I just wanted to cancel it and I said that as I was no longer an employee I was not able to…


How do you guys make money?


Lied on my resume for years, now I am scared.

I'm in a panic but I don't know if I should be. My work history is kind of weird. Went to a tech school for 3 years, just took general education classes, then moved abroad for a year and was an au pair. When I got back, I decided I wanted to leave my tiny hometown for a big city. So I took small odd jobs that lasted just stints of a few months. One of them wouldn't let me have the day after my wedding off, so obviously I quit and just spent a few months focusing on that. When I moved to the aforementioned “big city” I worked temp jobs, sometimes with a few months between. Then I landed one that was really horrible with a sexist boss who was not a good person. I was relatively new to the “big girl” workforce, and the pressure of it…


Scam jobs????

LIKE what the fuck? How many god damn jobs out here are scam jobs. I get so excited thinking that it’s an interview for a job i truly want and its so suspicious. Like its actually annoying. Ive been looking for a job and living off photography for 6 months while trying to get a job. These scams are getting so good that i was ABOUT to put social Security and my address and then I had a weird gut feeling to call the company. I just called White construction company to double check if it was a real position and they straight up told me that they’ve been having a bunch of people call them to confirm because turns out what the scam is is that they pretend like they’re on boarding you they send you a check you put the check in your bank account And then the…