
I am currently working a WFH job, 8am-5pm Monday to Friday medium to low stress job, I barely speak to customers all I do is document and make them finish pending documents and it pays $900 per month, I was contacted by another company and they are offering $1150 per month doing tech/troubleshooting

I am currently working a WFH job, 8am-5pm Monday to Friday medium to low stress job, I barely speak to customers all I do is document and make them finish pending documents and it pays $900 per month, I was contacted by another company and they are offering $1150 per month doing tech support and troubleshooting for a product. I am kinda comfortable with the current job but I feel it could offer instability, not sure how’s the other job offer but what would you do if you were in my shoes? This new job offer gives you the equipment and after 2 weeks training you can work from home. Not sure about the level of stress and I think you have to work one day of the weekend.


Husband’s employer held a bonus he was due in October until this month.

He got an email from Greene Resources saying that he had been “selected” to receive a Christmas bonus. It's the money he was supposed to receive in October for completing a large project. They're usually a few weeks late, but it's the same “bonus” he is due every time he completes this particular project. The company he actually works for won't hire any of their employees, and after ten years with this “temp” work, we're getting really sick of this shit. I wish any of the other options available to him were viable.


My old job is unionizing. I’m celebrating by posting their “skill tracker”.

I worked for a coffee shop (Go Get ‘Em Tiger in Los Angeles) a couple years ago that was implementing a new pay system tied to performance. I quit before it was properly implemented, so I’m not sure what changes (if any) were made. I read today that they voted to unionize and the company is union busting so here’s the skill tracker, y’all. Enjoy.


Forced/punished for not selling enough giftcards.

server at a well known chain restaurant, it’s not super secret and can be guessed. We are forced to sell/offer giftcards to every single guest we serve, but it’s gotten to a point that seems…scammy and toxic? They track and post a list of our names and exactly how much $ we have sold in gift cards and then makes a list in huge writing of those that are ‘delinquent’ in sales. If you don’t meet the quota for the week, they take away your table and have threatened to fire us for not making the money. I am now on a ‘restricted section’ of ONLY 2 TABLES until (as of today) i sell 1000$ in gift cards. That’s limiting my income because i don’t want to beg/sell your desperate ass gift cards which BOTHERS MY GUESTS. This week i was pulled into the office by my manager who said…


YSK: “Unlimited PTO” is a farce.

Companies that advertise “unlimited pto” as a perk are doing nothing for you. They're trying to skirt employment law in places that mandate they pay out any remaining PTO to employees that have been terminated. That is all.


You can still feel exhausted from working a desk job or an “easy” 9-5 job

I HATE when I tell people I'm exhausted from an 8 hour day at the office. Okay sure fine physically I hardly moved during the day. However, you still need the mental mindset of getting through an 8 hour shift. Especially if your work is repetitive. Or if you're a guy you're just supposed to “deal with it” or “push through it” because we aren't “supposed to be emotional”. Well then don't complain when I come home and the first thing I want to do is go into my room almost the whole day and not want to interact with anyone for a while.


Night shift issues

Are there any sort of regulations to how long someone can be kept working night shift? My spouse has been on it for nearly six months and can't sleep. He has expressed to his supervisor that he can't sleep but they don't care. My spouse even works with aircraft and it still doesn't matter to them that he isn't sleeping well. Shouldn't it be particularly important that someone receive full rest when they are working with something so sensitive and potentially dangerous?!


I just lost my dad and my job is being incredibly cruel to me.

I'm in a very awkward position where I was going to leave my current job on a Friday to move to a job across the country, away from my family, but my dad unexpectedly passed away the week I was quitting. I politely asked the job I moving across the country for to delay my start date, explained the situation I was in, but they straight up refused to move my start date a single day. I made the hard decision to leave that job, and my current job allowed me to rescind my job resignation. I wanted to stay home because I was not quite in the greatest mental state to move. And because I wanted to make sure my mom and my little sister are gonna be fed and sheltered. My dad was the significant breadwinner, so I'm helping my mom apply for SS benefits, SNAP, etc. Now,…


So if we all show up in DC for Earth Day, May Day, and July 4, which one are you attending?

Realistically, the number of people able to march is diminished, but if unhoused and semi nomadic people are invited and willing to come along, suddenly we're a working class army. Multiple strikes shows them we can show up in greater numbers if we choose to. I'm also assuming there will be Earth day marches that I won't know anything about until afterward, if you can get close to one, do. They're going to expect us in major city centers these days, and we really need everyone to just pick one.(and learn tactics and that most arrests are intentional and forewarned and de-arrest is often possible with enough eyes or bodies) If you can't get to DC that day, get to your state capital in solidarity please. We need a show of numbers that actually scares them. We need people changing vacation plans for the election year. But that takes reminders…


Managers Stealing Tip Pool?

I work for a BBQ restaurant in Kansas that does quite a bit of catering and heavy to-go’s, the tips from the caters and some of the bigger to-go’s are pooled and split between the kitchen and the person bagging/running the cater. The restaurant I work in is actually run by my fiancée’s mom (C) currently, so this is where my struggles lie. The managers on duty all take part in the tip pool, taking equal or heavier parts of the tip, I’m honestly pretty sure (C) specifically has taken a whole $60-$80 tip from us without splitting it at all. I’m like 99.99% certain this is illegal and immoral but I’m not sure how to go about trying to correct this. I’ve brought up the law to my future mother-in-law several times but since she’s the GM she thinks she’s all knowing or something and states “I know the…