
Chances of Retaliation After Asserting COVID Paid Leave

I began a job 3 weeks ago. The job is fantastic and I’ve really liked it. I got COVID a couple days ago and it’s a pretty severe case. I have underlying health issues. I asked about the Covid paid leave policy and they indicated they do not have one. I work for a medium-larger sized law firm. I simply told them I received paid leave in 2021 once due to COVID state laws and was looking to see what they are. Plus, I asked if I could work from home first and asked about being able to use my own sick accrual time. They said I can’t use any until 90 days in. The employer has been happy with my performance (we are technically “split” so the side with all the power is not mine — but the individuals managing me are the ones who validate my performance), however,…


Fucked around? I quit. Enjoy having real problems now.

Been working as an MRI Tech in a smaller sister hospital to a much larger one in a city. I was originally offered both jobs but I chose this one because it seemed more cushy compared to the other. After over five years, I called up the other director and start work for him at the main hospital at the end of the month. Long version: What has been happening is that they added a night shift two years ago. Prior to this we didn’t take call on nights, just 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday. We barely ever got called in. Now, after staffing nights with two Techs, they went to just one, which we did backup call for by the week. The demand for two Techs wasn’t as high as they thought. We get called in every night at least once when the overnight Tech calls out sick…


Encouragement requested, trapped in an abusive workplace

TLDR; please give me some encouragement or words of wisdom, I’m falling apart from a hostile work environment My workplace is classically toxic. Bullying managers, demeaning speech, setting up for failure, unreasonable deadlines, on and on. My last manager outright quit just to heal from this place. I recently got suspended for some stuff my manager twisted and another manager lied about because she hates me for questioning her once. I have a history of trauma related to abuse and my ptsd is in full swing. I really could use words of encouragement. I’m already looking for opportunities and applying everywhere and in therapy and have a psychiatrist. I’m just so tired and sad and cry out of nowhere and my mental health is in the gutter. My physical health has deteriorated and the thought of going back to that place literally keeps me up at night and fills me…


1:59pm Boss: are you hoping on this call?

I work from home and most of the time it is nice. However sometimes my boss gets super helicoptery. It started out if I was a minute late asking if I was joining some call. Now it turned into him hopping on calls 5+ minutes early and expecting it to start early. He doesn’t look at my calendar and does not pay attention to Teams status colors and messages about me being in a call. Fyi – helicoptery meaning like a helicopter boss hovering over you to make sure you’re doing what he wants.


Why did the mods lock the post about the lack of actual conscious political discussion here?

I noticed there wasn't even an actual reason on the thread regarding why, and I know this subreddit was made by explicit ancoms as an explicitly anti-capitalist, I know the mods used to be leftists if they no longer are and know there isn't a single rule that says: Do not post content other than complaining about your boss, do not post any potentially divisive or genuinely radical content So what's going on here?


Considering Rescinding Resignation

I would love everyone’s help on this. I was working remotely for an organization and then new leadership came in and mandated that everybody come into the office. I told them that this didn’t work for me, and I was told that I had no option. I then met with HR and my direct management, and we agreed on a compromise. I agreed to work until a coworker came back from maternity leave at the end of January in exchange for the ability to be fully remote up until til then. Since then, a coworker of mine was let go and given a package. In addition, the company has demoted the work that I do in a retaliatory fashion. On top of that, the company is giving all of the older women with e children a hard time about being remote and instead promoting younger single/childless women with less experince.…


Retail People who have been there for years:

How do you do it? How do you stay there for so long? I worked at target for 17 days before quitting and leaving in the middle of my shift. That job sucks so hard. Online they had a fancy title called “Tech Representative”. I applied because I have history in tech repair and diagnosis and the description literally said “helping customers achieve the greatest customer experience of their lives!” But gave no job details. I apply thinking I’m gonna be looking at peoples tech and diagnosing/fixing it. M Boy was I wrong. These fuckers had be stocking shelves and sorting through trucks. They denied my availability. They told me since I was seasonal I receive no benefits except for a 10% in store discount which is basically nothing in todays economy. If that’s not bad enough the wage is $15 an hour…. State minimum is $10.10 and the cheapest…


Vague Threats?!

I quit my job back in November! Yay! My very good friend and I used to work at this pizza place in our city (small business). We were both “assistant managers” which barely means anything. We had a key to the store, make the deposits at the end of the night, and override transactions, that’s about it; otherwise we do exactly the same job as everyone else. My friend’s last shift was Sunday night, on Monday, she and I went in to pick up her last pay stub and tips together. There is a particular assistant manager (there are 4 in total, so let’s call the problematic one “M”) at that job that LOVES writing these detailed passive aggressive notes to the rest of staff about how bad we are at our jobs. On Monday, M had written a page long note to staff about how they needed to do…


PSA for owners who have gas logs

Just found this out from the company I work for. Did you just try to light your pilot light? Did it light but it won’t stay on? Have no fear, all you did 9 times out of 10 was clean around your gas logs and removed something that looks like “dust or insulation” well fun fact that is what keeps your gas logs running, it has a chemical make up that makes it like embers. So we will come out and sprinkle some on top, and charge you $200 dollars because no one will tell you that is what happened so we keep making money. Another fun fact, wanna know how we clean your pilot light? A can of compressed air… that will be $100 You’re welcome.


Looking for advice bc tbh I’m not sure how to look into it with googling.

Friend lives in Illinois and her husband is apparently on month 4 of not getting paid despite working bc he is a contractor, not full time and the company is a “venture capital startup” and as such supposedly they can only pay when they get paid first. This feels incredibly illegal and I’d love to offer them support or point them in a direction to get help if I’m right about it being illegal. If I’m wrong, feel free to tell me that too