
Boss gave choice for Christmas

My boss (M Upper 30’s) went around the office last week and asked the 6 employees, including myself, if we would rather have a Christmas party or receive a visa gift card like we did last year. All 4 of the women (1 being a high up manager) said gift cards. The 2 men, who make much more than 3/4 of us ladies, said Christmas party. Guess what we are getting this year? Yep, Christmas party. And they scheduled the Christmas party a week out, on a day I’ve had PTO approved for months so I can’t even attend. The gift card was going to pay for one of the new tires I desperately need for my vehicle. It was going to be to buy Christmas presents for my other coworkers grandchildren. It was going to help pay for the broken heater at my other coworkers house. Why do the…


Having to work an 8-5 is destroying my mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. It’s affecting my relationships and controlling my life. Every night I fantasize about not waking up.

I have been working since I was 15 years old. When I was in high school I worked 6 days a week. I would be at school from 6:50-2:50 and then I’d go straight to work at a my part time job after school from 3-7pm, sometimes 8pm. By the time I would get home my dad would already be in bed. I’d eat, shower, and do my homework. Then I’d go to sleep. I would also work 8 hours every Saturday. Then I went to college. I was an honors student and a scholarship student which meant I had to take an extra class. I was taking 18 hours worth of classes (6 courses) and working 20-25 hours at a coffee shop. When I wasn’t working or in school I was doing coursework. I was chronically underslept, stressed out, and suffering from severe and debilitating panic attacks that would…


How much pay increase for a longer commute?

I’ve been actively but not urgently looking for a new job. My responsibilities have increased in recent months but my employer was not open to “an increase in pay” in October because the end of the year review was right around the corner. I told them I needed paid more and they denied my request. Anyway, so I’m job searching but I don’t want to leave until I find something better suited. There is a chance they’ll increase my pay in coming weeks. I think it is best to look for some new places though as I’ve been with my current company almost two years. Some of the jobs I’ve applied for are 45 minutes away whereas my current job has great, flexible hours show up anytime before 9:30 and basically get your 40 hours in for the week, but pay is low. The new positions are at least a…


I feel like I’m getting taken advantage of. After they fired a girl and had me take over her responsibilities- for half the pay.

When I first started working for this company, I made 15 an hour which I was fine with. I was only data entry and was helping move the system from paper files to an online database. No biggie. Then they fired the hr girl- no worries. I was only supposed to pick up one or two little responsibilities until they hired a new girl. Except now I’m calculating paper payroll by hand, am one of two people responsible for getting our new time clock system in place, the person who audits it and gets it ready for payroll, mileage and card reimbursements, new hire paperwork, and now they’re having me learn accounts payable, I also have been given the task of supply orders for the entire company. And shocker they have no plans of hiring a no hr manager when they have me. My biggest source of discontent? The previous…


Got my Entitled Leave REJECTED

This is actually my friend’s situation but the title says ‘me’ for simplicity. So me and my friends we suppose to go Bali around next week (with tickets booked and everything) to celebrate one of my friends bday which we will call Frank. Frank works in a big4 and his request for an extra 3 days leave was rejected ( he requested a week off prior). When his senior and manager told his boss he was really burned out and would like 3 days off, all the guy said was ‘tell him to sleep’ WTF MAN. This guy was been working day and night, pulling all nighters and sacrificing his weekends and they can’t even approve an extra 3 days because ‘deadline is on the 15th’ *he negotiated for his leave to start a bit earlier and end a bit earlier so it would still be 5 days but they…


Suspended without pay after trying to unionize

For months now my fellow workers and I have noticed a steep decline in efficiency from the warehouse that loads out trucks so that we can deliver the product in a timely manner. The warehouse isn't at fault imo because they only have an incompetent management to look to for guidance. We tried to unionize last week and it failed (11-11) but with one of the voters not technically being a driver and also working directly with her husband, against company policy. For the last three weeks I've heard from 4 different people that a worker has be slandering my name as well as other workers. Calling us lazy and such while she sits in the office acting like the big boss. I decided to report her to HR and while talking about it with my boss, apparently she overheard this and reported me for threatening another coworker some months…


Just need to vent. Management is the worst

I need to vent. This isn’t about me. This didn’t happen to me, but it happened to a colleague. I was out of the office for a couple weeks on business travel, and we have a new colleague who supports customer visits to our location. Normally I support these visits as well but because I was out of the office this visit that happened over two days a couple weeks ago, fell on my manager, who waited until the last minute to try and work details. My newer colleague he’s only been with us for a few months got dragged into the last minute preparations for this meeting and one of the attendees was a very important customer and a high-ranking individual at their company so it was really important that for that person that the meeting and everything to include check-in and meetings, space went smoothly because this was…


Should I be worried about getting fired for calling off in sick because my request for day off was not approved?

I am a graduate student and have 2 part time jobs making up a full time schedule and my purpose for this is to have more flexibility than just full time job. Last week, I asked my manager if I could have a day off this week because I have finals soon and I have a huge presentation due this week. She told me no because one of the part time staff I work with is on vacation for a month. She also mainly wants me there because I can translate for the patient demographic we have. My manager and boss always told me that school comes first before work even before I was hired. I called in sick for today because of the huge presentation. I work for a small clinic so there’s no way of avoid talking to her since I work with her directly. Should I be…


Help with Connecteam app

Good people of reddit, I need your help. My employer (I am not from US) is asking us to use the Connecteam APP, in order to register the begining and the end of our shifts, which bothers me a lot because we usually work from 7am (even when officially shifts begin at 8 am) to whenever the work is done, most often is past 5 pm, we usually do not recive extra hours compensation because the normal pay is pretty decent and there is a lot of corruption in my country, so it is a lot cause (by the moment). What am I asking is a way to f*ck with the APP so it register crazy shifts that can benefit me and my team, or what can I do in order to report false metrics o something, because I am sick of this sh*t Sorry for the cursing, but this…


PSA: Use your PTO. ALL of your PTO. Every last second of it.

If you are living in Canada, the government enforces a PTO of 4% (2 weeks) for employees below 5 years in the job, 6%(3 weeks) for employees that have been there for more than 5 years but less than 10, and 8%(4 weeks) for employees who have been at the job for more than 10 years. Oftentimes, employees will limit how much PTO they take to get the remaining hours paid back to them as Vacation pay instead… or they think they would. Corporations oftentimes offer these perks called “wellness days/sickdays”, “volunteer days”, “bereavement days”, etc. If you take any of these perks days off during the year, but leave your earned vacation days to the end of the year, the corporation will apply the days you took off for these “perks” to the earned vacation days. This way, they loophole you out of your earned wages you accumulated during…