
One of Norway’s biggest private sector unions announces Tesla boycott

On Wednesday 6 December, the confederation sent a boycott notice to the car manufacturer Tesla in Sweden, Tesla AB. The boycott will be aimed at the transport of cars to the Swedish market:


Wells Fargo CEO Anticipates $750 Million in Severance Expenses


Recent job interview experiences

Most places I noticed are just incompetent. I had an interview over the phone. Seemed like the person interviewing me was trying to talk me out of the job. She said her bosses and owners were constantly unbearable and rude and blamed it on their nationality and culture, I considered this a red flag. She said she can never take a break and misses having an actual lunch because they are busy and that she works over 60 hours a week. She kept misprounouncing words like “tedious.” She used this word 3 times and pronounced it as “tittious.” Not a red flag but irked the crap out of me. She rambled for 40 minutes and never asked a question. She offered me a 2nd interview, and then I never got a call or email. At first I was disappointed because I need a job but now I am grateful because…


Air Wisconsin pilots ratify new agreement in 2023


Christmas Donations

I work in manufacturing. I get into work today and there is a letter in my time card slot. I am thinking “oh maybe it’s some kind of Christmas bonus, or even just a Christmas card”…nope. It was a solicitation for donations to purchase the owners a Christmas present. The owners that are literal multi-millionaires. The owners that decided last year to eliminate production bonuses and profit sharing for everyone except for those working in the office. I got a 25 cent raise this year after receiving “exceeds expectations” on my evaluation. The supervisors that receive production bonuses will run us like dogs so they can make more money, yet they have the audacity to act like they are doing me a favor by employing me. I honestly don’t hate my job, so I’m not going to quit over some out of touch baby-boomers, but the thought of it just…


The company made 2. 4 billion dollars in equity and will not be giving a Christmas bonus to the workers.

I have been here 13 years now. No bonus, no Christmas vacation. We are contracted out to another company that has made almost $20 billion. The only benefits are health insurance, vacation time that cannot be used at Christmas and the ability to work from home. I would contribute to a 401(k), but a livable wage is not available. There needs to be a change in the way employers pay their employees!!!!


Not going to holiday gatherings

I just started a new job, but I work mostly remotely and go in at most two days a week where I rarely see coworkers. There is one person I regularly get coffee with. My direct superior is based in another country and the others in my department operate just like me, coming in even less. I was invited to two holiday gatherings and it was really nice of them to invite me as it will help me get to know more people. But yesterday I decided not to go and now today I really don't want to go to the one tonight. Can anyone help me feel less guilty? Like I know it'll be good for networking and getting to know coworkers but I'm just not feeling it. Or, alternatively, bully me into going. I just can't take this in between stressed feeling.


Had a meeting with management where they told me they miscalculated the employee portion of a local tax and would be taking the difference out of my next check. Is this legal?

Title pretty much states the question. Management met with most full time employees to discuss a miscalculation on employee paid local tax and is taking the missing amount from our next pay check. It's not a large amount, but it seems fishy. Wanted to get this subs opinion.


Would texting the coworker who got me fired be bad?

I 21M was fired from my second job after working there for almost 3 years. I’ve had feelings of wanting to leave earlier because the work load employees get feels very gender based and conversations I’ve had with my manager about the subject but she just gave them excuses like “it’s because you’re such a good worker that they feel like they can depend on you for anything” and other BS. This is retail btw. I was always singled out among my coworkers to go help a customer or when I’m at register rather than my coworkers helping someone who just got into line, they would log out of the register and delegate them to me. This one girl would do it a lot and have this shit eating grin like she thought she was being cute or quirky when she did it to me as she would walk away.…


“Born to swim, forced to work” – Art by Mari Tatagi