
Vague threats

I quit my job back in November! Yay! Here’s some context for this picture: My very good friend and I used to work at this pizza place in our city (small business). We were both “assistant managers” which barely means anything. We had a key to the store, make the deposits at the end of the night, and override transactions, that’s about it; otherwise we do exactly the same job as everyone else. My friend’s last shift was Sunday night, on Monday, she and I went in to pick up her last pay stub and tips together. The aggressor in the picture above was our coworker (same title as us; assistant manager). The aggressor LOVES writing these detailed passive aggressive notes to the rest of staff about how bad we are at our jobs. On Monday she had written a page long note to staff about how they needed to…


Whats the point of resumes anymore?

I've been applying to a lot of places, looking for a part time job while I go to college. One thing I've noticed is that they give you the option to upload your resume, but then still require you to manually type in everything that is included in my resume into their website It makes every application so much longer. I feel like you should just be able to upload your resume and then be done with it


Do people think people will still work 40 hours in 200 years ?

Chrissy wake up


Options other than the 40hr week urban lifestyle?

I'm nearing the end of my working life, but I do wish that there had been other options rather than the salary/wage tread mill. Many assume that the socialist/marxist route is the option. That system has never worked anywhere that has tried it (change my mind – but if you think the theory is fine but the experiment fails every time, the theory is disproved, IMO). Latest example seems to be Venezuela. I'm thinking no-work is not feasible, because there are things to do re putting a roof over ones head, and food on the table. But is 40+ hours labour for most of the year really necessary to secure the basics? Israel has the Kibbutz system. The hippies of the 60s and 70s had their communes. So I'll ask the question, what is a viable model? eg, If you lived on an agricultural kibbutz/commune/collective, how many hours work a…


Curious: bus and gas reimbursement?

Where I live, by law any job you work at has to reimburse you for bus fares (a set amount enough to buy a monthly pass. Let's you ride without limit). And while gas reimbursement is a luxury, many places that require a drive do offer it and has become something expected in non min wage jobs. Tho I never see this kind of thing talked about on this sub, does it not exist in the US?


how do you deal with that co-worker that has to go above and beyond and now management expects you to do the same?

long story short i just started a job (a few months) stocking overnight at a big box store. however now because of one of my co-workers who doesn't mind doing extra … stuff like unloading trucks, cleaning, shoveling snow and other various extra tasks which are NOT part of my job they(the team leaders) expect that from me. I am minimum wage and those are not part of my job yet i get told “well so-n-so does it”


…and would like to keep your details on file to contact you regarding other opportunities in the future.

Has anyone ever been contacted for a different opportunity after a unsuccessful interview?


Employee awards WTF moment

many employees recognized, cca 80% average as you are, how can you NOT be demotivated by this? After 5 years of this circus you start asking yourself why tf not me, again? How are this award recognition things working in your company? Is it demotivating for you as well? Previously this was meme with this picture, but I learned that memes are prohibited here, so just sharing very fitting picture:–nice-things-monkey.jpg


Accidentally dropped my colleagues phone. Do i need to pay in this situation?

So when i was at work my co worker talked about how she wanted to buy a new phone this month. Later that shift when i was answering some emails behind the desk the co worker puts her phone on the charger and put her phone down on the desk. The wire from the charger was around my leg and the phone was just barely on the side of the desk. I didn’t notice the charging phone so i moved my leg and the phone fell on the ground. Nothing seemed broken, later when i am home i get a message from her saying that her phone keeps rebooting every 5 minutes and that she wants me to pay for the damage. Do i need to pay in this situation? I mean she chose to charge her phone in such a dangerous spot, also it’s suspicious that before anything happened…


Hired for evaluation at minimum wage, do I “quit”?

I was recently laid off from one company, was “hired” at another doing something similar, but not the same. They hired me for an evaluation period, thing, I haven't signed anything. She said that she would write me a cheque at the end of it, but I would have to do the taxes on it myself. I worked two days last week, and I'm supposed to work tomorrow and the next day. On Friday of last week the client we were working with asked if we did another type of work in the same field (think painting trim but this company only does cabinets). The guy I was working with said that they don't do cabinets but I have experience. So I got a side job from it. The guy is the owners husband and she called me on Monday to say that it is a conflict of interest to…