
Job told me I can’t get promoted because I don’t currently do the job I applied for..

I recently applied for a higher position at a manufacturing plant. This work includes training other team members and gives the person in this position more training on machines etc.. I got a call saying they were going to go with someone else. Thats fine if they find someone who is more qualified than me and go with them. I was a little bummed because when the person in this current roll got promoted everything landed on me. I was training and doing way more maintenance than what I am payed for. But they told me that they weren’t going with me because I wasn’t doing any tasks for the position I applied for. First, yes I have been since the previous person got promoted. Second, I was not being paid nor do I have all the training for this role so why would I be expected to do those…


Update on Stalking Situation

So my stalker stopped coming to my job because someone told him I was trying to pursue a restraining order. Without a restraining order he can also show up whenever he wants. That's too much anxiety for me. I have a second job now but I won't tell anyone at work where for obvious safety reasons. My job hired another supervisor to replace me and she was trained on almost every position, before she suddenly quit. I told the kids it was not a good look to give all my responsibilities (bitch work) to a black person, but they were not nice to her. Someone said 'I should not have told her she wouldn't get 40 hours even after training'. I asked 'Were they planning on giving her 40 hours?' and they said 'No but I didn't need to tell her that.' She has kids and needed that information. I…


Lost merit increase when min wage increased


Employee of the year WTF moment


Confessions of a future wage slave

Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but it’s just something I can’t seem to get my mind off of. I’m (22m) a student at university nearing the end of my bachelors degree. To go into my field I need a masters degree in my country. Either way, at the moment I cannot work, the work load per semester I get is crippling, this week I have not gone to class once because I am too busy sitting at home doing whatever assignments pop up on my online university portal. I don’t go to the gym or eat healthy because I just feel like I am wasting time that I could spend using getting whatever task turned in. I used to be motivated to put up with this life style for a few months out of the year to be able to get a job that…


Timed breaks

Most nights, machine operators are lucky to get anything more than a 30 minute lunch break (12 hr shifts) and if we complain about breaks, we get scolded. Now our supervisor thinks he’s funny bringing out a stopwatch so we can get written up if we’re a minute or two late (highlighted in pink).


I am starting to appreciate the union more!

Before I got my full-time job, I always found the concept of union to be annoying. The media that I have been exposed to depicted them as a group of annoying, complaining, and practically anti-society and would rather cause public disruption. Well my workplace, despite having great co-workers and managers, is really stingy with the salary increase. The top management is restricting the annual salary increase for everyone at 1.5-2%, when realistically it should be 10%. That is just to match the cost of living in my area. The union is not happy, and actually organized everyone last week to stop working for a few hours to take our stance. It has been met with silence. The union wants everyone to go on virtual strike, by not working for a whole day sometimes next week. It's actually a day after the negotiation discussion for the pay increase. I'm now glad…


I had an awful day at work sick with the flu and my boss basically threatened to take away our 4 hour Fridays everyone I worked with today complained a ton on top of that I work with a child molester.

I work in manufacturing on an assembly line basically today was awful I have no pto time or personal day and my job does not give any sick time what so ever. I'f you miss Days you get points and u won't qualify for other positions you apply for I make around 23/hour currently. I was told by my main supervisor we will call her Yancy today to get on a forklift and move a palet over so I did as soon as I moved it here comes a team lead well call her (Mary) telling me I need to be on the assembly line and I can never leave it or Yancy will be extremely mad and I told her that the supervisor told me to (her boss) and she kinda backed off. Then we had a big issue on the assembly line I work with 2 other people…


How to tell employer they don’t pay enough at all?

How do you tell a fortune 100 company that they don't pay their employees enough? So low that their employees can actually go homeless and starving despite coming in everyday, working 40 hours a week, hitting all their goals, yet still don't make enough to eat through the week after paying for necessities like Rent, gas, insurance, bills, and maybe groceries? And how this kills morale for working as hard as they want?


If you did not have to work, what would you do?

I love this sub and I drop by almost once a day. My goal in life is to exit the rat race like a lot of people in this sub. Was curious what everyone would do with their free time if money wasn’t an issue. How would you spend your day to day? I’ve recently found myself with time off due to an ongoing strike at my work and there is so much time in my day now. I’ve been reading, working out cooking but looking for more things to fill my time with, any suggestions?