
How do you feel regarding AI poisoning when a lot of people probably see the advancing of AI as one of the main things that can end work?

I'm on the fence about this. Because while I understand artists wanting to protect their work, image recognition is a pretty important part of AI development. Ultimately, an AI has to be able to recognize images, and a good way to test their understanding is having them generate images, even if their final goal, is not to replace artists. AI “art” is merely a fad, but the effect of AI in ending menial labor, and dangerous tasks is very real. But only if these AI's are accurate. In my opinion, it was a huge blunder to give these AI image generating tools to users, it was clearly a move to increase revenue, but it has also heavily hindered the future advancement of AI, through thing like data poisoning, and garnering a lot of hostility against AI. Say you have an AI firefighter, who due to data poisoning, sprays a baby…


Constructive dismissal in Alabama

I know it can be hard to prove, but I have documented quite a few months where I have raised concerns about an individual. 2 weeks back I was accosted as I left work. I raised it up to my manager as soon as I got back to work. After a “thorough investigation” I was basically told if I mess up at all I will be fired. Today I come in and there is still something going on, and I have another meeting with HR in the morning, this supposedly about an infraction that is never enforced. It literally happens every day on the shift before me and nothing is ever done about it. I feel as if they are retaliating against me for speaking up. Not sure if this would even begin to meet the criteria. I am already looking for another job, but it's tough this time of…


My first 9-5 after college.

Growing up my whole life you always look forward to summer and winter break. This is now hitting home there is no breaks ever except 6 paid holidays lol. This sucks


An excerpt from a book my girlfriend’s boss is having them read because it will help them understand how work satisfaction comes from within the individual not the workplace.


my boss tried to kiss me and then confessed his feelings for me. i don’t know what to do

my (23f) boss (37m) tried to kiss me. for context, this is my first corporate job so i know what i did was very naive and stupid. we were getting drinks after work with 5 others. i hadn’t had much to eat and the night ended faster than i anticipated, so i was a little too tipsy to drive. he offered to drive me around until i sobered up. i agreed. he tried to pull me in for a kiss and i stopped him, confused. he is married, he knows i have a long term boyfriend, and most importantly he’s my fucking boss. we got along like a house on fire but i never thought he would cross those boundaries. he said i was flirting with him but i don’t think i was. i treated him like i would treat anyone else i was friends with. in fact i went…


Different people here have different goals, so why don’t we compromise?

This sub’s mods (hi) have their own political ideologies, but the people Here are anywhere from far left, to moderate left, to “Cathy” fans who hate Mondays (ACK!). “Antiwork is inherently anti-capitalistic”. Maybe, but it isn’t communist. Communists work, hard. “From those according to their ability”. I’m not sure why we leap frog over other solutions that are more achievable and proven effective. You know what we could all probably agree upon, and would accomplish MOST of your goals? Strong unions in every industry, that redistribute income from the top down. And it’s something that could actually happen in America. Unionize.


Our new desktop backgrounds will be £5m turnover target by 2025

Just finished up sitting through a end of year whole company meeting, I haven't worked here long but apparently profit this year has been quite enough for bossman. There was growth but not as much as previous years, so the new goal is to have £5m turnover by 2025, and to really put it in our faces, all desktop backgrounds on computers will be a graph showing £5M turnover by 2025. Meanwhile I have just enough wages to pay for living expenses and surviving.


a question about terrible scheduling

I messaged my manager about an hour ago that i was having trouble staying awake, cause our schedule (that starts tomorrow morning) isn't out yet. Between me passing out with my phone in my hands waiting for the email that it was posted, the work group chat has been updated by my manager. I haven't opened the text, but it says that I'm supposed to open in the morning… But to tell an opener 10 hours before open that they work seems… I don't know, unethical? The actual schedule has not been posted, just a text with what hours those “scheduled” are supposed to be in tomorrow. While I was contemplating this, my boss' boss has messaged me (this is also unopen) asking if i saw that I work. I guess my question is what are the legalities here? Can I be fired if I don't go in? Should I…


Once again I am at a job that isn’t a job, it’s a lifestyle.

Another day. Another 12 hr shift that was supposed to be 8. I want my life back. When I am not at the office I am thinking about what I could have screwed up at the office. I am sick of every job consuming every aspect of my life. How is this a life? Why is this ok? What in the hell can I do to change this or get out of this situation?


My works ventilation hasn’t been working for the past 2 days

I haven't been able to breathe fresh air in my work for the past 2 days because the ventilation system is broken. I work in a fast food place so lack of ventilation means smoke in the air. Me and my coworkers have been breathing in smoke and whatever else is in the air for the past 2 days and no one else is really saying anything about it. I feel like I'm overreacting but it legitimately is disorienting me and making me feel sick. I have to work for the rest of the week and I don't know what to do. They've said the last time something like this happened it took a week for anything to happen.