
When a COO thinks corporate homeownership is the same as family homeownership and then brags about it


Can I get California Unemployment If I quit cause of schedule changes?

I'm a fairly new employee, (2 months) and I've been doing stocking at 4AM due to the truck arriving at that time. Waking up at 3AM has been a real challenge. I've lost tons of sleep and my health is taking a toll, I've really wanted to quit but I need the job. ​ Today My boss called me into his office to let me know work is starting at 3AM from now, which I immediately said I cannot. 4AM is already too difficult for me and I was going to ask if I could start later before the schedule change. ​ Since I am a newer employee there is a high chance that I wont have the leverage / seniority to really make such demand in which they'll probably have to let me go or I'll be forced tor resign. ​ If I am let go or get “Forced…


Advice / perspective needed

What would you think if your attorney told you (paralegal) and their other assistant (non paralegal) that your cases are unorganized (the ones you’re responsible for) after over a year of the attorney being gone 3 weeks of every month? Number one, I felt it was rude to say that in ear shot of the other person who also works with us, two, I feel there was more at play than “disorganized” if the attorney was gone 2/3 weeks of each month and cancelled 90% of the depos I had set this year. If I say something, I feel it will be taken wrong as if I’m being too sensitive, but it really hurt my feelings and made me feel like my hard work was simply dismissed all year. I feel like I’m simply the scape goat. Thanks for listening. Close to tears right now.


There isn’t a job shortage, there’s a shortage of adequate pay


Any Aussies on here?


My boss delayed my check and now I’m stuck

I'm supposed to have been paid. I have not been paid. Store owner ran out of money. Apparently he says he “reserves the right to delay my paycheck up to 14 days” and as such, I'm currently looking at a big i.o.u. for who knows when instead of my paycheck. Now I'm trying to stretch 55 bucks until who knows when. I can't just quit, it's nearly the only job near me that would hire me and I make (when the checks come through) more than most similar jobs in my area, but if I have to deal one more delayed paycheck or another stupid prank caller calling in an order for a “cock pizza” during a massive phone line jam I may just have to figure out how to handle living without any money until he legally has to pay. I doubt this is a good subreddit for this,…


Employments up 200%

Getting quizzed on the normality of working multiple jobs.


How do I politely tell a coworker to stop asking me nosey questions?

To give a little bit of context I(30F) have a medical condition where I unfortunately have to miss work sometimes. I’ve spoken to my boss about this and provided doctor’s orders and he’s been kind enough to work with me and understand that I may have to miss work every once in a blue moon if it gets real bad. This isn’t a frequent occurrence nor do I miss long periods of work. At most it’ll just be like… A day or two every 1-2 months. He has given me the opportunity to work from home if I ever get too sick to come in. I always complete my share of work and even help my co worker if I finish my tasks first. So to emphasize, my absence doesn’t affect my coworker’s share of work ever. Now the issue is, when I come back to work this lady starts…




My Former HR Head Keeps Including Me On Email Lists

I just today received yet another email from the heard of my former HR. This one was about the upcoming Christmas party. I rage quit this job at the end of September for a few different reasons. It's not that she emails me but she ails everyone by CCing instead of BCCing. The problem is if someone wants to be a real piece of work with employees emails, their names & other general information you can scrape from online/social media a person could do some real damage. Any advice on what to do besides contacting & asking to be removed?