
I can finally QUIT

I've been working at a job I absolutely hate for the last two years because I couldn't find a better one. My skill set wasn't good enough and I lacked experience. Today I finally got the offer of my dreams. A low stress gig at an employee owned company paying $20k more than this pos company I currently work for. I can't wait to rub my resignation in my smug boss's face who always confidently told me, “if you don't like the job then just quit.” I never even explicitly said I WANTED to quit, he has just enough self awareness to know he is a horrible boss but doesn't care. He knew I couldn't quit too because I'm the difference between my family living in an apartment or on the streets. I only feel bad for the next poor schmuck they get to take my place.


Got fired and my tools are missing

I got fired on friday and i called a ex coworker and asked if all my stuff was still there (toolbox, cart, tools, etc.) and he said yea. Well i had some stuff in a company locker and i get they want my stuff out and wanna check it but they just cut my lock and put my stuff on the floor i guess idk I’m about to go up there and check it out. They haven’t called to tell me when to come pick up my stuff and if they did put my stuff on the floor I’m sure some of its missing. What can i do to recoup my losses if my stuff is missing? Are they liable for breaking into my stuff and theft? It was a personal lock on the locker or are they good since it’s their locker?


US Job Openings Drop in October


Has anyone else watched Work by historia civilis

I think this speaks to the heart of what this sub is about. Anti work does not mean anti labor.


What do you make of this response of ChatGPT on robotics and job disparities?


Why does no one blame the falling birthdates on the destruction of the middle class?

There’s so many articles talking about how the birth rates across the globe are declining rapidly, and that it is already causing crisis’ across the globe in countries like China and Japan. They reference charts like the one linked above, and go, “Well, it’s because of more women being in the workforce, more women being educated, and the rise of income and fertility prevention treatments.” But no. Women had been a regular part of the work force before the steady decline of births, women were always being educated, and incomes have not been rising. But do you know what steady incline beginning in the 1970’s has also correlated with the steady decline of birth rates starting in the 1970’s? That’s right! The amount of labour production that has gone up while wages remained stagnated! What these people refuse to tell you is that the declining birthrates is a direct result…


Have you ever had a great job but an asshole boss? Here’s my story.

I’m currently getting back on my feet after some financial hardships and bad decisions. Trying to save money to go back to school for a degree. Found a godsend of a small business (or so I thought) that I now have been working a few months in. A short walk from my apartment. Typical full time 9-5 ish schedule. 45m – 1hr lunch. Weekends off. However, no benefits and the pay is almost minimum wage. But for the scheduling I thought it be perfect to balance school with. Not a lot of places in my town have a schedule as good as that. So I turn a blind eye to the bad pay. At least for now. Believe me when I say I was not excited to start working here at first. 20 minutes in and I realized it’s such a cool place to work at. The day usually flies…


Took a $7 paycut, barely making it. Still happier.

Title says it all. Recent post I posted that I was working 100+ hour weeks for $75k salary… I finally just ended up quitting and took a $7 paycut equivalent to $28 an hour, same field. I can barely make it by, but aside from that, the mental health break I am getting is unexplainably nice. Unlivable wage, but when you’re working as much as I was I’ll take it. I’m going to try to make this last as long as I can. 7am-4pm, 40 hours per week. No more than that. Even that’s too much, but at least less weight is on my shoulders now. Meh. It’s a start in the right direction.


Can I keep my job and my sanity?

It's not my job that is killing me. It's commuting. almost exactly two years ago, I had a ~6 mile commute and a job that was crushing me, but in a way it was good because I had just come off an apocalyptically bad relationship, we were told we had to stay indoors anyway, I was broke (see bad relationship, supra), and so what did I have to do except work 65-75 hours a week and say to myself “well, at least I have my job and I'm good at it.” Then Big International Conglomerate decided that they were going to lay off all their designers (not just in my product line, but several) US-wide and outsource that work to Bangalore. Then, we'd all have the opportunity to apply for a handful of design center jobs ostensibly located in Texas thinking we'd go all Hunger Games fighting each other for…


Wage Theft Sucks

I recently created a website with some of my classmates for a class project. We've all been victims of wage theft by greedy employers and figured we'd create a site to help guide and inform others who have gone through the same thing. Feel free to take a look. If anyone wants to give feedback on the site as well that would be great.