
21 year old employee hates all the younger employees

Thought this whole situation seemed pretty anti work so I decided to share it here So Ive been recently working as a dishwasher at an old pub and have a situation with a particular person. You see dishwashing (at least where I’m at) is a two person job. One person rinses the dishes off and puts them in the machine and the other takes the dishes out of the machine when its done and walks around the kitchen giving the plates back to the chefs. I do the second job of taking the dishes out of the machine and my coworker (for the sake of this story lets just call him Bob) does the first job. Seems like an easy arrangement right? Well you would think You see Bob gives everyone a hard fricken time, some more then others basically the more you around him the more snarky complaining you…

Thought this whole situation seemed pretty anti work so I decided to share it here

So Ive been recently working as a dishwasher at an old pub and have a situation with a particular person. You see dishwashing (at least where I’m at) is a two person job. One person rinses the dishes off and puts them in the machine and the other takes the dishes out of the machine when its done and walks around the kitchen giving the plates back to the chefs. I do the second job of taking the dishes out of the machine and my coworker (for the sake of this story lets just call him Bob) does the first job. Seems like an easy arrangement right?

Well you would think

You see Bob gives everyone a hard fricken time, some more then others
basically the more you around him the more snarky complaining you will get, and who’s around him the most but me

Usually I can drown it out but this particular night I reached my mileage

He complained that I didn’t put the plates in the most convenient order (usually he likes it when I organize all the plates before he rinses them off) when I gave them to him to rinse off
he said “this isn’t your first day here” which only makes me feel like the worst is yet to come because he’s been treating me like crap since the first day I got here, which means his “tolerance” will only decrease over time

I used a big trash bags on one of the the smaller trash containers which doesn’t seem like a big deal, thing holds trash all the same. But to Bob, it was the worst thing in the world. He pointed it out to me and I told him I couldn’t find the smaller bags. Bob literally stopped everything he was doing to go look for the smaller bags and showed them to me smugly.

At this point everyone is starting to get concerned due to his behavior. Some of the servers already have some drama with Bob and one particular one pointed out shes afraid their not gonna be able to hold new trainees because Bob is gonna scare them off.

What really got me steamed is when
One of are servers came up to us and Said to him “you being nice to him?”
And he just flat out said “No” signifying
2 things

  1. He knows he’s being a jerk
  2. He doesn’t care that he’s being a jerk

What makes it worst is this man is like 21 and he’s taking his anger out on coworkers like me and some of the servers that are all high school seniors. Which is just freaking sad for him man.

I don’t even know what to do anymore. I tried to ignore him at first but that just seemed to put a target on my back. One of the servers where able to get him off their back by verbally telling him off so should I try that.

Tldr: 21 year old employee treats most of the younger employees like garbage

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