
30 female waiting Autism Assessment

I got a fit note from my GP today advising my employer to make workplace adaptations. I feel tired most of the time and my commute to work takes 1 hour 20 mins there and 1 hour 35 mins back, I feel so tired when I get back home and I spend most of my time in bed no life and feel down. I currently work from home 2 days per week but I want to work from home at least 3 days per week as I can do my job remotely from home anyway. The only thing I sometimes help my colleagues with is printing a few things but that's not really that hard and I think it's a crap excuse for them to make me travel that long commute. I've sent the note to HR and asked them if there's a process to make these adjustments to my…

I got a fit note from my GP today advising my employer to make workplace adaptations. I feel tired most of the time and my commute to work takes 1 hour 20 mins there and 1 hour 35 mins back, I feel so tired when I get back home and I spend most of my time in bed no life and feel down. I currently work from home 2 days per week but I want to work from home at least 3 days per week as I can do my job remotely from home anyway. The only thing I sometimes help my colleagues with is printing a few things but that's not really that hard and I think it's a crap excuse for them to make me travel that long commute. I've sent the note to HR and asked them if there's a process to make these adjustments to my work before I have a conversation with my line manager. I fee like my line manager doesn't care or believe me and probably is jealous like some other colleagues that I work from home and I feel like they want control over me but I've had enough and my health is important as well. I have to see what they say now, if worse comes to worst I might have to just relocate which is a pain trying to find an affordable one bed studio :s. My autism assessment is going to take ages, so some ppl probably won't believe me. I didn't go in today because I was feel too depressed and anxious about everything and I could do my job from home anyway. I meant to be working from home tomorrow but my line manager said ohhh because your colleague is on annual leave (completely different Job he has) she said come in the office tomorrow 🤨. I'm not sure if I should reply with why? His annual leave doesn't affect me I have a separate job from him… Or I u should ignore until I get advice from HR or just force myself to go in tomorrow which will feel pointless and they probably will just say print few reports that they could do themselves in seconds lol. I think I'm just gonna work from home tomorrow, she's just making things difficult

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