
30 Min interview I was told I speak to much and took up all the time (We finished the interview in 18 Min.).

So, I'm on the job market and applied for a remote position in the financial department with a UK based tech company. (I'm not in the UK) I'm at work and could only do the MS teams interview with the HR (based in the same country as myself) via my mobile, so I don't raise suspicion at work. She first asked me about myself, so I started telling her about my work history, etc which may have taken a max of 10 min. She then goes on the ask your “old, out dated” HR questions like are you married, do you have a kid. She goes onto explain what the company is about and the position (this part always gets me. Why explain the position that I applied for, unless there's information not in the ad. I would know exactly what is required from me from the ad.) I made…

So, I'm on the job market and applied for a remote position in the financial department with a UK based tech company. (I'm not in the UK)
I'm at work and could only do the MS teams interview with the HR (based in the same country as myself) via my mobile, so I don't raise suspicion at work.
She first asked me about myself, so I started telling her about my work history, etc which may have taken a max of 10 min.
She then goes on the ask your “old, out dated” HR questions like are you married, do you have a kid.
She goes onto explain what the company is about and the position (this part always gets me. Why explain the position that I applied for, unless there's information not in the ad. I would know exactly what is required from me from the ad.) I made the mistake that when she spoke about the responsibilities, I told her that it's the reason why I applied.
She went off at me , telling me that she only has 8 min to finish the interview, and that she had other people after me and I've take up the whole interview. I keep quiet and she continues to speak, but doesn't give me any new information, just says exactly what was on the ad.
At the end she tells me if I get a second interview, she will give me some advice. I shouldn't speak so much. She complained about me being on my mobile because of the wind and I must be at my computer when I do the interview.
We say bye.
It's 10:18. We started at 10:00. 12 minutes under the time.
I understand that they will need to verify that I have a computer, but telling me that I speak too much.
I walked away not interested.
I've been to many interviews and understand that this process is about getting to know the candidate and that a good recruiter will let the candidate speak as mush as possible. The recruiters who want to here their own voice more than the candidate normally indicates a bad position.
I may let them go through the whole process of interviews and then send her an email to say I'm not interested in the position anymore.
A younger self would have taken this advise to heart, and been disappointed by the interview. An experienced self says F.U. Your position is not worth down playing who I really am. If I have to put up a front in the interview room and be a different person, I'm not interested in the job.

Edit: Just to compare. I had an interview earlier in the week with a recruiter via Ms Teams. 30 Min as well.
She didn't complain about me being on a mobile. We spoke for the full 30 Min. At the end she said it was really nice meeting me and the way I had answered the questions were informative. She had, had another interview which was difficult because the person answered in one word answers. Proves be yourself and the right place will see your worth.

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