
4 years for nothing..

So im F35 in Europe, been working for THE major cellphone-tv-fridge company for 4 years. Started of as a picker, worked my arse off to become inventory management and master data specialist. Got to that point after 18 months of hard work and stayed in that role throughout the pandemic, Didnt even take out vacation days during the whole ordeal. Ended up with a burnout after i had asked for assistance for several months and not getting it. So was on sickleave for 3 months (very short recovery time seeing i even got memory loss still to this day, cant remember anything from april 2021.) They paid out my acrued vacationdays as “money” during this period due to a mistake. So the taxman ofcourse took majority of it. Was “only” about 23 days and got 7 days as compensation for their mistake so it kinda was okay. Anyhow, After returning…

So im F35 in Europe, been working for THE major cellphone-tv-fridge company for 4 years. Started of as a picker, worked my arse off to become inventory management and master data specialist. Got to that point after 18 months of hard work and stayed in that role throughout the pandemic, Didnt even take out vacation days during the whole ordeal.

Ended up with a burnout after i had asked for assistance for several months and not getting it. So was on sickleave for 3 months (very short recovery time seeing i even got memory loss still to this day, cant remember anything from april 2021.) They paid out my acrued vacationdays as “money” during this period due to a mistake. So the taxman ofcourse took majority of it. Was “only” about 23 days and got 7 days as compensation for their mistake so it kinda was okay.

Anyhow, After returning first they had hired a replacement cause they expected me to be out of commission for longer, that coupled with a new manager who didnt even know my work history forced me to swap department to become a warehouse optimization specialist (It came with a paycut ofcourse).

Anyway after beeing in this role now for over a year, My direct supervisor praising me and my imidiate manager loving what i do. Im told my contract is up in 2 months (Comes from above their heads)..But im welcome to reapply in 6 months (wierd local rule set to avoid firm contracts.. )

I feel so used.. so tired.. and just so angry..

Im good enough that they want me back in 6 months, but not good enough to give what everyone i worked with agree upon that i deserve.. A firm contract.. I worked my self to pieces without vacation for 2 full years, used vacation hours for hospital visits, gotten permanent memory loss, Agreed to a paycut.

So today I went straight to HR and demanded the reasons for my dismisal in writing since my evaluations been stellar throughout. She had the gal to ask me “Why? Aren't you returning in 6 months” I instantly responded, “Why? You guys shown i got no stabile future within the company anyway”

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