
40 Hour Week Killing Me

i’ve been following this thread for a while now, figured I’d just speak about what working has been like. I only graduated from school for electrical engineering a year ago and I live in nyc. i feel like i have no money left over after bills and needing to constantly fix my car because it breaks down all the time. it’s so expensive being broke. me and my gf live together so that takes some of the cost down, but she’s also in school so I still have to cover extra costs because she doesn’t work as much as she can since she has school most of her week. any day off she has, she works. i work 40-50 hour weeks and still at the end of it all I feel like I have nothing. we’re so exhausted. what we really want is to have time to just sit down…

i’ve been following this thread for a while now, figured I’d just speak about what working has been like.

I only graduated from school for electrical engineering a year ago and I live in nyc. i feel like i have no money left over after bills and needing to constantly fix my car because it breaks down all the time. it’s so expensive being broke.

me and my gf live together so that takes some of the cost down, but she’s also in school so I still have to cover extra costs because she doesn’t work as much as she can since she has school most of her week. any day off she has, she works. i work 40-50 hour weeks and still at the end of it all I feel like I have nothing. we’re so exhausted. what we really want is to have time to just sit down and not worry about anything but at all times we have to worry about finances. and when we’re not worried about finances we’re worried about the infestation of roaches and rats in our apartment (we’re relatively clean people and clean literally every day). and we can’t even drive anywhere too far because what if our car breaks down when we’re too far out of town? the car breaks down probably once every couple months and we spend thousands on it to fix it, but we can’t afford to take a loan out to get a new car since we’re trying to move out of where we live because it’s not a good neighborhood and people often get shot and stabbed where we live.

at the end of the week I feel lifeless, unfulfilled and like I don’t have time nor money to do things that I want to do. i even thought of doing charity but I can’t even afford the time or money to do anything. this life sucks. no wonder why there’s so much people in need. everybody’s just trying their best to survive so how could we even think about helping anybody else?

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