
40 hour work week is intended to exhaust the wage slaves

the 40 hour work week is intentional. the slave masters know exhausted slaves can’t revolt due to exhaustion. fast Food industry is a perfect example of this intentional exhaustion, can’t cook for yourself if you are too tired after your toil our great grandparents had to revolt, not protest, revolt to get their kids out of the mines. a lot of people seem to think if we ask nicely we can be emancipated not gonna happen bud

the 40 hour work week is intentional. the slave masters know exhausted slaves can’t revolt due to exhaustion.

fast Food industry is a perfect example of this intentional exhaustion, can’t cook for yourself if you are too tired after your toil

our great grandparents had to revolt, not protest, revolt to get their kids out of the mines.

a lot of people seem to think if we ask nicely we can be emancipated

not gonna happen bud

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