
5 years of experience…

TLDR – I'm tired of employers valuing experience over proven skill and enthusiasm. I'm probably one of the few people here who genuinely enjoy what they do. In fact I've been constantly undervalued and held back at my current place of work, but because of the EXTREMELY competitive nature of my job, leaving without first being hired elsewhere would be foolhardy. I've been offered numerous “opportunities” likely due to my skill and enthusiasm. Nonetheless I've witnessed time and time again people taking up the positions I had been “so close” to getting, who then complain to me about how they “really struggle with the work” or that “you're lucky you're not doing what I'm doing”, even “no no, you don't wanna be doing this job haha”. The worst part of it all, is the quality of the product (in this case of a highly creative endeavor), is significantly worsened by…

TLDR – I'm tired of employers valuing experience over proven skill and enthusiasm.

I'm probably one of the few people here who genuinely enjoy what they do. In fact I've been constantly undervalued and held back at my current place of work, but because of the EXTREMELY competitive nature of my job, leaving without first being hired elsewhere would be foolhardy.

I've been offered numerous “opportunities” likely due to my skill and enthusiasm. Nonetheless I've witnessed time and time again people taking up the positions I had been “so close” to getting, who then complain to me about how they “really struggle with the work” or that “you're lucky you're not doing what I'm doing”, even “no no, you don't wanna be doing this job haha”. The worst part of it all, is the quality of the product (in this case of a highly creative endeavor), is significantly worsened by these new hires.

I was recently able to speak with one of them and they told me that experience got them the job. I then inquired about their relative lack of skill, and they professed that there experience was only in a facet of the job, not the actual thing they were hired for…

In my field people with general “this field” experience will often be hired based on that alone, despite not actually having the specified skills to perform the job adequately.
ie. – a guy with an MS in mathematics who studied number theory for 7 years and worked in academia then gets hired as a topology consult/expert while the guy with a BS in physics but multiple papers on topology watches as the guy with the MS in math struggles on simple topology problems that he understands…
***Apologies – this is a difficult analogy for me to make directly to my field, I'm just paranoid as i know my manager is on the subreddit as least casually haha…

Basically, I'm just disappointed in employers for valuing experience over skill and enthusiasm.
I have documented proof of my ability and expressed enthusiasm in my field beyond anyone i personally know, only to be put down by people who, self-admittingly don't know or enjoy what they are doing…. Additionally many have the audacity to complain about there work and even how “nobody wants to do it” or “it's not for everybody”. Give me a break!
I want to do it! I'm right here. Stop hiring out your ass. You've got what you need right here.

Rant over

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